A child's symptoms may not be indicative of neuroblastoma. These symptoms are often confused with other conditions. It is vital to see a doctor to rule out other conditions before considering neuroblastoma as the cause of the symptoms. If your child displays any of the following symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away. A doctor can provide you with the correct treatment options, as well as determine the extent of the disease and its symptoms.
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The symptoms of neuroblastoma depend on the stage of the disease. During the first few months of a child's life, stage 4S occurs. By then, the tumor has spread to the liver, skin, bone marrow, and distant lymph nodes. If the tumor has spread to the skin, it may be covered with blue or purple bumps. The child's liver may also grow large and press on his or her lungs.
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Bone pain is often one of the most common Neuroblastoma symptom. Pain in the bones may be so bad that your child will limp. Bone tumors may also press on the spinal cord, resulting in weakness, numbness, and even paralysis in the legs and arms. Other symptoms include bruising around the eye sockets and bumps underneath the scalp. In addition to these symptoms, your child may experience other symptoms.
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A blood test for neuroblastoma will reveal whether the cancer has spread. A normal child produces neurotransmitters that control the activity of nerve cells. The most common group of neurotransmitters is catecholamines. The body breaks these molecules down into metabolites and passes them out in the urine. Neuroblastoma cells produce more catecholamines, resulting in the symptoms. Your child's doctor will run a blood test to determine the level of catecholamines and to determine whether the tumor has spread. Imaging tests, such as x-rays and ultrasounds, can also determine whether or not the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
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If you suspect that your child has Neuroblastoma, surgery may be an option. The tumor may be so large that it invades vital structures. When surgery is indicated, your doctor will take tissue for histology testing and molecular analysis. Chemotherapy may be combined with radiation therapy. Radiation therapy can include external or internal machines. Some radiation treatments include seed-like injections or catheters.
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When your child is affected by neuroblastoma, they may experience the following symptoms. A lump may form in the abdomen. They may also have trouble walking. They may complain of having an increased appetite, or of a painful stomach. The lump itself is not painful, but it can cause other symptoms. Depending on where the tumor is located, your child may not want to eat. He or she may have difficulty concentrating or feeling sleepy.
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If a tumor is in the neck or chest, it can press on the superior vena cava, which returns blood from the head to the heart. This can cause facial and upper chest swelling and may lead to a bluish tint to the skin. This swelling may also cause headaches. Occasionally, tumors may also obstruct the airways, making it difficult for you to breathe and swallow.
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Once the tumor is located, your child will be treated with chemotherapy or surgery. In the case of chemotherapy, your child will receive a chemotherapy treatment regimen that will prevent the cancer cells from multiplying. This treatment may take several weeks or months, depending on the child's risk category. Surgical removal of the tumor may be necessary. The surgeon may not be able to remove the entire tumor during surgery. However, a biopsy can help in determining a child's treatment options.
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Genetic tests can reveal a child's risk of developing neuroblastoma. There are two types of neuroblastoma - familial and sporadic. The familial form occurs from a mutation in the p53 gene, which forms a tumor suppressor protein. If a child is born with a mutation in this gene, they are at a higher risk for neuroblastoma.
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In stage 3A, the tumor is not removed completely. The cancer cells may be present in nearby lymph nodes. Stage 4A includes tumors that have spread to nearby organs. It has spread to distant organs, such as the liver, skin, or bone marrow. Usually, children under the age of one are diagnosed with this stage. These symptoms may indicate the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes.