Neuroblastoma is a form of cancer in children. It begins in the brain and spreads to other areas of the body, including the bones, skin, and liver. It is considered stage 4 if it has spread to distant organs, such as the bone marrow or liver. While most cases of neuroblastoma are treated with surgery, some patients require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Radiation therapy may help shrink tumors before surgery.
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Other common symptoms of neuroblastoma include swollen and painful tummy. If the cancer has spread to the spine, children may develop numbness in the legs or feet. Other symptoms include low red and platelet counts and a low white blood cell count. The patient may also experience a number of infections and have blue-black skin that resembles a bruise.
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Neuroblastoma can also spread to the skin, causing a blueberry-like lump to develop.
Because neuroblastoma affects the sympathetic nervous system, blood tests for this condition are important. The tumor will produce a high concentration of catecholamines. This increased level of catecholamines will cause neuroblastoma symptoms. If the cancer is in the lungs or abdomen, an MRI may be needed. The blood test will also determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
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Some children will experience no symptoms at all. This is because neuroblastoma often mimics symptoms of other health problems. Most children who experience symptoms of neuroblastoma will be suffering from other health problems. Nonetheless, a parent should talk to their child's doctor to rule out other potential health concerns. This way, the child can be evaluated for a diagnosis and treated accordingly. While there is no single neuroblastoma symptom, it's important to understand the severity of symptoms and to work with a health care team.
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The symptoms of neuroblastoma depend on the location of the tumor. The child may have a mass in the affected area or feel vague symptoms like fever or tiredness. A child may also have bone pain or easy bruising. Parents should not neglect other symptoms, such as irritability and fatigue. But if the child experiences all of these symptoms, the doctor will recommend further testing to determine the cause of these problems.
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While surgery is the most common method of treating neuroblastoma, chemotherapy is a viable alternative for some children. In cases where the tumor is near the spinal cord, chemotherapy may be an effective alternative to surgery. It can be given through an IV or by mouth and travels throughout the body. Some chemo regimens use more than one type of drugs, such as cisplatin. It may also be combined with radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is administered using machines placed externally and through needles, seeds, and wires.
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Early diagnosis is essential for determining the right treatment for neuroblastoma. A diagnosis should be based on the cancer risk category and the type of treatment. Children with low-risk neuroblastoma may not require treatment. Some tumors may go away spontaneously if they are discovered during their childhood. Otherwise, surgery may be necessary to remove the tumor. However, if the tumor continues to grow, chemotherapy may be necessary.
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A doctor may recommend surgery if the tumor has spread beyond its original location. Neuroblastoma can also spread to nearby lymph nodes, making it necessary for surgery to remove it. Surgery may also be necessary if the tumor is not completely removed. It may not be possible to remove the entire tumor if the lymph nodes are enlarged on the opposite side. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, it may be considered stage 2b.
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There are many other types of neuroblastoma, including cancer of the peripheral nervous system. Neuroblastoma starts in the sympathetic nerve tissues, which control body functions, such as digestion. Neuroblastoma may also start in the adrenal gland, which is located over the kidney. It can also spread to the bones, the liver, and the skin. Often, neuroblastoma is detected during fetal development.
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Children who have a family history of neuroblastoma are at a greater risk of developing the condition. While neuroblastoma isn't genetic, it can be inherited. Children with congenital anomalies are also at risk. Symptoms of neuroblastoma include bulging eyes, dark circles under the eyes, trouble breathing, and an upset stomach. If you are not sure if your child is suffering from neuroblastoma, consult with your pediatrician.