While there are many Neuroblastoma Symptoms, not all of them are common or cause concern. Listed below are some of the most common neuroblastoma symptoms and how they can be recognized. Although the risk of getting the disease is one percent, there are some precautions that you can take to minimize the risk. Also, remember that neuroblastoma is not contagious and is rare in siblings.
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Symptoms of neuroblastoma can vary, but are often associated with bone involvement. Bone pain is common in children who develop neuroblastoma. Bone pain is one of the most common Neuroblastoma Symptoms, and can be so severe that a child will limp. Bone tumors can press on the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis in the legs and arms. Other symptoms include bruising around the eyes, bumps on the scalp, and low blood cell levels.
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Children suffering from neuroblastoma may experience a lump in the abdomen or an overall swell. They may not want to eat, or they may complain of pain in the abdomen. These symptoms may be a sign of a different medical condition. Parents should discuss symptoms with their child's doctor to get a definitive diagnosis. Many of the signs can be caused by conditions other than neuroblastoma, so it's important to get proper medical care for your child.
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Treatment for neuroblastoma may include surgery. It may be used to remove the tumor or to biopsy the affected area. In some cases, the tumor may go away on its own or mature into normal cells. In such cases, watchful waiting is an option. However, more than half of the cases are high-risk. In these cases, surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy may be necessary. It is important to remember that surgery is only one form of treatment.
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While surgery is the preferred treatment for stage 1 and stage 2 neuroblastoma patients, it is not always possible in children with this condition. When the tumour has spread to distant organs, such as the liver, skin, and bones, surgery is not an option. However, a child with neuroblastoma at stage 4S is likely to need continuous monitoring for several years. The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group has developed a new staging system that looks for certain risk factors. This means that if you suspect your child has neuroblastoma, scans can identify the risk factors associated with your child.
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If you have found out that your child is suffering from neuroblastoma, you can play a key role in his or her treatment. Research on neuroblastoma symptoms and ask questions of your pediatrician. You can also receive support from other members of the care team. If your child is in good physical and emotional shape, they can play a key role in their treatment. They may need to undergo physical therapy, occupational therapy, or stem cell collection to survive.
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Neuroblastoma is a rare childhood cancer that starts in the nerve tissue of young children. Most cases occur in the abdomen, although they can form in the chest, neck, and pelvis. Neuroblastoma is most common in infants and children younger than five. It rarely occurs in children over the age of 10. If diagnosed early, it can spread to the lymph nodes, bones, and bone marrow.
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The symptoms of neuroblastoma depend on the size of the tumor, where it is located, and how far the cancer has spread. However, many symptoms may also be due to another health problem. If you suspect your child is suffering from neuroblastoma, visit a pediatrician to get a proper diagnosis. They will be able to confirm whether the symptoms are caused by the cancer or not.
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If you suspect your child may be suffering from neuroblastoma, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Neuroblastoma can be a life-threatening disease, so don't wait until it's too late to seek treatment. Neuroblastoma Symptoms include:
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The disease is usually detected when the child is 18 months old, but it can also strike teenagers and young adults. It's more common in boys and occurs in approximately eight hundred children in the United States every year. Research at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has identified numerous causes of neuroblastoma and is developing new treatments. Genetic testing is now available for children suffering from neuroblastoma. This can help doctors determine a risk factor that causes the tumor.
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When a child develops neuroblastoma, it typically develops in the brain and nerve cells. It may spread to the bones, lymph nodes, and skin. Although neuroblastoma is rare in children over the age of 10, it's important to seek treatment early. You should consult a pediatrician if you think your child is suffering from neuroblastoma. It's important to seek treatment for early detection, and it's important to follow the instructions for the diagnosis.