If you suspect that your child has neuroblastoma, you should get him or her checked out by a physician. There are a number of symptoms to look for. Generally, the cancerous tumors appear in the abdomen, neck, and chest. You might notice swelling, difficulty urinating, and a lump in your child's abdomen. Other symptoms include an inability to sweat and drooping eyelid.
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Your child may experience pain in the tummy or abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, and high levels of catecholamines in the blood. These symptoms may be caused by another condition. You should consult your child's doctor as soon as possible to rule out other causes of the symptoms. Your doctor will be able to diagnose your child's symptoms and recommend treatment. However, it's important to be aware that the symptoms of neuroblastoma often occur within a few weeks of diagnosis.
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Your child's doctor will likely do blood tests and imaging studies to make a diagnosis. A complete blood count, liver function tests, and kidney function tests are common. Urine catecholamine excretion is typically higher than normal because of the tumor production. If the tumor is present in other parts of the body, multiple imaging studies may be needed. In the case of a cancerous mass, an MRI or CT scan may be necessary to see the extent of the tumor and whether it has spread.
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Although neuroblastoma typically starts in the adrenal glands, it can also form in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and chest. In rare cases, it can spread to other areas of the body and affect the heart and bones. Most children inherit these DNA mutations from their parents, so the symptoms can differ. If your child has neuroblastoma, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the sooner your child can start treatment and avoid the need for radiation.
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Children with neuroblastoma are typically treated with a combination of medicines. The medications used for neuroblastoma treatment may cause side effects. Your child's health care team will discuss these with you. Your child's doctor will also discuss how the condition affects their daily lives. Your child will receive ongoing care throughout his or her treatment. They will monitor the condition closely and may suggest treatment options based on these results.
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Upon diagnosis, your child's physician will conduct a biopsy to remove cancerous tissue. This tissue will be examined under a microscope, so that the doctor can see if cancer cells are present in the sample. Imaging tests may also be used to help guide the biopsy needle. Your child will also undergo a bone marrow biopsy. The bone marrow is the sponge-like tissue located at the center of large bones. The bone marrow contains blood cells and is vital to the formation of blood.
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While the symptoms of neuroblastoma may vary from child to child, there is no single way to tell whether or not a child has the disease. Early diagnosis is essential as early diagnosis can lead to better treatments. Early diagnosis is key, as the cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body and become metastatic. However, neuroblastoma treatment is available for children with the disease. If it is detected in its early stages, it can be successfully treated using chemotherapy.
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New cancer patients at Children's Hospital Philadelphia are treated following a specialized protocol developed by CHOP doctors. These protocols are tailored for the needs of each child. New patients may also receive other treatments. Children with cancer UK funds several research projects. The outcomes from these trials may lead to new treatments that can prolong a child's life. For your child's best chances of survival, your child should undergo chemotherapy or stem cell therapy.
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Some tumors may press on a specific nerve in the neck. This can result in swelling of the neck or face. Moreover, a tumor in the neck can press on the superior vena cava, which returns blood from the head to the heart. The swelling can cause a bluish-red color of the skin, which may lead to a headache. You may also experience difficulty swallowing and breathing.
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The symptoms of neuroblastoma vary from child to child, and they depend on the size and location of the tumor. However, these symptoms may be confused with symptoms of other medical conditions. Therefore, it is important to take your child to a health care professional if you notice any of these symptoms. A healthcare provider can determine whether your child has neuroblastoma. A medical professional can also diagnose and treat other related conditions.