The main symptom of neuroblastoma is a tumor of nerve tissue. It usually develops from the tissues of the sympathetic nervous system, which controls many of the body's involuntary functions. It starts in the tissues of the adrenal gland, but can also develop in the neck and chest. Neuroblastoma is rare in children older than ten years of age, but it does occur occasionally in adults.
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hat Are Neuroblastoma Symptoms? Depending on the tumor's size, location and stage, neuroblastoma symptoms can vary. Some tumors can affect the marrow of the bones, causing low white blood cell and red blood cell counts. While this is often a symptom of infection, it can also be indicative of cancer spreading to the lymphatic system. Pain or bluish skin can also occur, especially if the cancer is in the bone marrow.
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X-rays can reveal whether the tumor has spread to the bones or to regional lymph nodes. Other imaging tests can help determine whether neuroblastoma has spread to distant organs. In some cases, a doctor can take a sample of bone marrow, which allows him or her to look for tumor-associated cells and proteins. Under a microscope, the cells in the sample will show characteristic features of neuroblastoma.
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When neuroblastoma is discovered, early treatment is important. Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment may include surgery or other methods. Early diagnosis is crucial as treatment is dependent on the child's age, risk category, and the location of the tumor. In addition, children under the age of 18 months may have neuroblastoma or another type of childhood cancer. Fortunately, neuroblastoma can be treated successfully with appropriate medical care.
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As the most common form of childhood cancer, neuroblastoma affects the nervous system, especially in babies. These cells form a chain of immature nerve tissues, known as neuroblasts. Although neuroblastomas start in the adrenal glands, they can develop anywhere in the body. They most commonly occur in the chest, neck, and pelvis, but they may also spread to the bones and lymph nodes. In rare cases, they spread to the marrow and bone marrow.
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The main symptom of neuroblastoma is a tumor of nerve tissue. It usually develops from the tissues of the sympathetic nervous system, which controls many of the body's involuntary functions. It starts in the tissues of the adrenal gland, but can also develop in the neck and chest. Neuroblastoma is rare in children older than ten years of age, but it does occur occasionally in adults.
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Children with neuroblastoma typically have multiple tumors in the same area. Sometimes, the cancer cells are benign and do not spread to other parts of the body. It's important to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect neuroblastoma. Early treatment will help minimize the risk of recurrence. However, treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer. If a child is diagnosed with neuroblastoma, there may be other symptoms.