If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may have oral cancer. Symptoms of oral cancer may mimic the effects of TMJ disorder, trigeminal neuralgia, or ear problems. Treatment options may depend on where the cancer is located and its stage. Treatment options may involve surgical removal of the affected area. Rare side effects of radiation therapy may include radiation necrosis. For more information about oral cancer symptoms, talk with your doctor.
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If your dentist notices any of the following symptoms, your doctor might conduct a comprehensive exam. Your doctor may recommend an oral cancer screening as early diagnosis can lead to better treatment. A dentist may spot pre-cancerous lesions during regular checkups and refer you to an oral surgeon or a head and neck surgeon (also known as an ENT specialist). The doctor will perform a physical exam that includes a thorough examination of your head and neck, as well as a throat biopsy.
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The presence of splotches of white color on the tongue or cheeks is another indication of oral cancer. These white patches, known as leukoplakia, are pre-cancerous lesions and indicate a greater risk of developing the disease later. However, it is possible that these lesions are simply viral infections that clear up in a couple of weeks. If any of these symptoms are present, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.
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Among the most common signs of oral cancer are sore throat and dry mouth. These symptoms can be a sign of more serious illnesses, including lip and tongue cancer. In addition to sore throat and dry mouth, you may experience soreness in the back of your tongue, soft palate, and tongue. These symptoms can also indicate a cavity or infection. However, more than 25% of people with oral cancer also have distant metastases in other parts of their bodies.
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Treatment options for oral cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. The options for treatment include surgery, which involves removing the cancer while leaving a margin of healthy tissue around the affected area. Radiation therapy may be used to destroy the cancer cells' ability to reproduce. External beam radiation (EBRT) uses radiation beams to target the affected area. Brachytherapy, which uses radioactive needles to deliver radiation, may also be used if the cancer is in the tongue.
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The signs of oral cancer are often subtle and easily overlooked. However, you should take extra care of your mouth to look for unusual bumps or painful lumps. Early detection increases your chances of a successful treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 53,260 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer in 2020, which translates to approximately 0.02 percent of the general population. The five-year survival rate varies widely depending on the type of cancer, location, and extent of the spread of the disease.
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If your tumors are located at the base of your tongue, you will likely need to undergo a lipectomy or a mandibulectomy, which involves the removal of the hard palate (bony roof of the mouth). In some cases, cancer spreads to the neck, so surgeons will remove the affected lymph nodes and rebuild the tongue using skin from other parts of the body. Some patients may also need chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
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Tobacco use is another risk factor for oral cancer. Many people who develop oral cancer also use tobacco in one form or another. The combination of alcohol and tobacco consumption increases the risk of developing the disease. This is why a physical exam is necessary before any other treatment is recommended. Tobacco and alcohol use are the two leading causes of oral cancer. The sooner you notice these symptoms, the better the chance of detecting and surviving the disease.
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Other oral cancer symptoms include persistent pain, white patches, or red patches. While these can be difficult to scrape off, they could be a sign of cancer. The most common place to experience this symptom is the floor of the mouth, underneath the tongue, or in the gums behind the back teeth. If you notice any patches or lesions, see your doctor. In addition to these symptoms, you may have leukoplakia, a white patch in the mouth. It may be caused by chewing inside the cheeks and lips, or from exposure to carcinogenic substances.
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Other symptoms of oral cancer include a sore throat, difficulty moving the jaw, and swelling of the jaw. In addition to pain, the tongue may also be swollen or painful. An examination by a dentist can detect early signs of oral cancer. It is a painless procedure that only takes a few minutes. Dentists perform oral cancer exams in many offices. If you have symptoms of this type, it's important to see a dentist as soon as possible.