The most important oral cancer symptoms are pain in the mouth, swelling in the mouth, and an inability to eat or drink. These symptoms should be checked by your dentist if they persist for more than two weeks. However, you should know that you may also have other cancers that are difficult to detect. Listed below are some common symptoms and their causes. Read on to learn more. Oral cancer can occur in anyone, and symptoms are different for each person.
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Oral cancer typically starts in the mouth or the lips, and the front two-thirds of the tongue, gums, roof, and floor of the mouth. It is a deadly disease that occurs in the mouth, and early detection is crucial for the best outcome. Every year, in the U.S., approximately 34,000 people develop oral cancer. Alcohol and tobacco use are the leading causes. Although it is important to recognize the signs of oral cancer, most people do not seek treatment until the disease has progressed.
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Another common oral cancer symptom is the appearance of a white or gray patch in the mouth. This is known as erythroleukoplakia, and is a sign of pre-cancerous cells. These lesions indicate an increased risk of developing oral cancer. If these spots are present for more than two weeks, it is highly likely that you have oral cancer. Symptoms of this disease can be misinterpreted as simple problems.
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While some people are at increased risk of developing oral cancer, other risk factors include heavy alcohol and tobacco use. Other oral cancer risk factors include exposure to ultraviolet radiation and excessive tobacco use. Sun exposure also increases the risk of developing this disease. Early detection of these conditions is key in preventing its onset and progression. If detected early, it can often be successfully treated. Oral cancer is highly treatable if detected early. If the symptoms are present, it is essential to see a doctor.
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Depending on the stage of cancer, a doctor may suggest a number of treatments. A surgical procedure called a glossectomy may be needed. This surgery removes the tumor from the mouth and sometimes involves the removal of the hard palate, which is the bony roof of the mouth. Radiation therapy will damage the DNA of the cancer cells and eliminate their ability to reproduce. External beam radiation and brachytherapy are two of the options for treatment. External beam radiation targets the affected area, while brachytherapy uses radioactive needles. The latter may be used for early stage tongue cancer.
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As mentioned, oral cancer can be easily treated if caught in the early stages. Therefore, you should visit your dentist at least twice a year for a thorough checkup and monthly self-exams. Additionally, you should avoid smoking and alcohol use, which are known to increase the risk of developing this type of cancer. Finally, you should consult with your healthcare provider about any additional resources and treatment options available for you. There are many resources available to help you find out if you have oral cancer, so take action today!
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The most common and easy-to-recognize oral cancer symptoms is a lump in the mouth. The lump may be white or red in color and appear harmless to the untrained eye. However, if it persists, it will continue to grow and rupture, revealing a deep depression in the affected area. If the lump does not heal, it could be indicative of oral cancer. Another common symptom is a painful or non-healing sore or blister.
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Treatment options for oral cancer include surgery and chemotherapy. Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the standard treatments for the disease. The options vary, depending on the type of oral cancer, its stage, location, and size. Surgical procedures may include reconstruction of the mouth and removal of lymph nodes. The treatments may require multiple surgeries, and your doctor will recommend a treatment plan that is appropriate for you. It may be possible to reverse the symptoms of the disease, or cure the cancer entirely.
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Breathing problems caused by oral cancer can be life-threatening. The tumor may partially or completely block the airway, making it difficult to breathe. If you can't breathe, your doctor may perform a tracheostomy surgery. The procedure requires the cutting of a hole in the neck, or trachea, and a tube is placed in the hole. This tube will hold the trachea open.