Oral cancer can be frightening. The symptoms of this disease can range from a painful, lumpy lump on the lip to a sore throat. In some cases, a lump may even resemble a toothache. Other symptoms can include numbness in the throat, hoarseness, and even a change in your voice. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your dentist. Oral cancer is twice as common in men as women, but early detection will improve your chances of a good outcome.
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Some of the most common oral cancer symptoms include white splotches in the mouth. These lesions are known as leukoplakia and indicate an increased risk of developing oral cancer. However, if these spots persist for more than a couple of weeks, they could be pre-cancerous lesions. Although these symptoms may sound worrying, most people who develop these lesions have nothing to worry about. Even if you do not experience any of these symptoms, it's still important to visit your doctor and undergo a thorough examination.
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You should be aware of any unusual swelling or changes in the lips, tongue, or cheeks. This may be a warning sign of oral cancer. Having a thorough oral exam performed by a dentist can help detect the early signs of cancer and provide a much-needed early treatment. An oral exam takes just a few minutes and is a painless procedure. Some dentists also offer oral cancer screenings to check for signs of the disease.
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When oral cancer is advanced, symptoms include difficulty breathing and speech changes. Because the cancer may have spread to the neck or other areas of the mouth, it is essential to remove all affected lymph nodes. Patients should also discuss any side effects with their doctor before undergoing treatment. This treatment may involve oral surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or immunotherapy protocols. Oral surgery is an option if symptoms are too severe. However, the risks of these treatments are great.
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Oral cancer can be treated successfully with several treatments. Treatment is based on the size and location of the tumor and the extent of spread. The most common treatment is surgery, which removes the tumor and may remove nearby lymph nodes. Radiotherapy, which uses high energy waves to destroy cancer cells, can have serious side effects. Some of these side effects include dry mouth and fatigue, although they can be managed with medication. So, it is best to talk to your dentist or doctor about whether you should continue having follow-up exams.
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The most common oral cancer symptoms are sore gums and painful mouth. These signs indicate that a person has a tumour on the tongue. The cancer in the tongue is different from the cancer in the mouth, so the two can overlap. The difference between stage 0 and stage 4 is the size of the tumor and its spread to nearby lymph nodes. If you have a tumor of this size or bigger, you should seek medical care immediately.
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Oral cancer can occur in any part of the mouth, including the tongue, cheeks, and roof of the mouth. Those with a history of tobacco use or high alcohol consumption are at a greater risk for developing this condition. Furthermore, people who are infected with HPV are more likely to develop oral cancer. Taking steps to detect these conditions early is important for improving your chances of survival. In fact, detecting oral cancer early will help prevent an estimated 11,230 deaths in the United States this year.
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Oral cancer symptoms may occur in any part of the mouth and may spread to the rest of the body. It begins in one part of the mouth and may spread to the neck, head, and chest. If this happens, treatment is more likely to be successful. Therefore, it's important to see a dentist as soon as possible if you notice these symptoms. So, how do you know if your oral cancer is spreading?
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To determine whether you have oral cancer, conduct a self-exam once a month. Use a bright light to inspect your lips and gums. Then, tilt your head back and feel the roof of your mouth. You should also remove your tongue to inspect all of its surfaces. You should also check your throat for any lumps or enlarged lymph nodes. If you notice any of these changes, contact your health care team and have your symptoms evaluated.