If you think you might have ovarian cancer, you should know that you have many options for treatment. There are many symptoms of ovarian cancer, and early detection is key for successful treatment. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms that may indicate the disease. You should see your health care provider if you experience any of these symptoms. In many cases, treatment is easy. In many cases, cancer cells can be treated successfully with the help of chemotherapy.
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Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when cells in the body begin to grow abnormally. These cells may develop in the ovary or elsewhere in the body. Symptoms of ovarian cancer vary with the type. Epithelial tumors are the most common, and represent up to 85 percent of cases. Germ cell tumors are less common, and can be benign. However, 90% of cases of ovarian cancer are curable with treatment. Diagnostic tests for ovarian cancer include blood tests to check for high levels of CA-125. Other imaging tests may include an MRI scan and transvaginal ultrasound. Laparoscopy, which involves sticking a thin tube with a camera through a small hole in the abdomen, may also be necessary to examine the ovaries. If the symptoms of ovarian cancer persist, it is
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Besides cancer screening, a woman's ovarian cancer doctor will discuss treatment options. Treatment may involve surgery or chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can target cancer cells and cause minimal damage to healthy tissue. Some women may even undergo chemotherapy. However, this treatment can have side effects, so it's important to discuss the options with your health care provider. It may also affect your body image and sexuality. These changes may be upsetting for the woman who has ovarian cancer.
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One of the earliest warning signs of ovarian cancer is sudden weight loss. While weight loss can occur naturally with menopause, the condition can result in a significant amount of fluid accumulating in the chest or liver. As a result, the patient may experience difficulty breathing. The fluid may also be pressing against the diaphragm, or a clot might form in the lungs. The symptoms of ovarian cancer depend on age, hormone levels, and genetic predispositions.
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During surgery, a doctor will identify if you have ovarian cancer. If you have a lump that is 3/4 of an inch in size on the abdomen, the doctor will most likely remove the affected ovary and other organs. The cancer cells in stage 4B have spread to distant organs, including the brain. A surgeon may recommend surgical removal of fallopian tubes and pelvic tissue as well.
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In addition to your annual pap smear, your doctor may perform a CT scan to look for signs of the disease. This is an important part of diagnosing ovarian cancer because it can be difficult to detect on your own. Ovarian cancer is rare, but it affects over 22,000 women in the United States annually. Treatment usually includes surgery and chemotherapy. The sooner you notice any symptoms, the sooner you can start treatment.
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Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include a change in appetite and vaginal bleeding. Women with ovarian cancer may also experience changes in their bowel habits, resulting in bloating, belching, and abdominal pain. Patients may experience urinary frequency and urgency. The condition can also affect the spleen and segments of the bowel. A physician will be able to help you determine which symptoms are the most likely indicators of ovarian cancer.
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Early ovarian cancer symptoms include pelvic pain similar to menstrual cramps. Oftentimes, these symptoms go away on their own. Other women may also experience gas or indigestion, and bloating that does not disappear with rest. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are not unique to this condition, but if they persist, you should see a doctor immediately. There are also other symptoms that may indicate the disease.
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Patients with high levels of CA-125 may need additional tests. Some women may need to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound and a blood test to detect a cancer marker called CA-125. A biopsy is also a common procedure to diagnose ovarian cancer. This is necessary if the cancer has spread. Otherwise, a doctor may need to remove a portion of the ovary or perform a biopsy to confirm a diagnosis.
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Early ovarian cancer does not typically present symptoms. Some women experience bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, and increased need for urination. While these symptoms are common to other conditions, the early ones can be difficult to differentiate from other ones. The symptoms of ovarian cancer can last for more than two weeks and may not go away after self-care. Earlier diagnosis of ovarian cancer is the key to better outcomes.