Ovarian cancer is a serious disease that affects the ovaries, which are part of the female reproductive system and are responsible for producing the female hormones and eggs. The ovary is about the size and shape of an almond and is a relatively easy and painless organ to check for abnormalities. To make a proper diagnosis, your doctor will perform several tests, including a physical examination, pelvic examination, and laboratory tests. Your doctor may also recommend an ultrasound of your ovaries. Depending on the results of the tests, your doctor may suggest treatment for the disease, which will usually consist of surgery and chemotherapy.
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The cancer spreads to surrounding organs and structures, such as the fallopian tubes, and is diagnosed in stage III. In stage III, the cancer has spread outside the ovary, to the pelvic area and the lining of the abdomen. It may also affect the liver. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor as soon as you notice symptoms that are unrelated to the ovary. Ovarian cancer symptoms include a range of different symptoms and must be diagnosed by a qualified doctor.
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Abdominal pain is another symptom of early ovarian cancer. Although it is normal to experience menstrual cramps on occasion, bloating that lasts for up to three weeks is not normal. The pain may be localized in one part of the pelvis or diffuse throughout. You may also feel full faster than normal or have indigestion and gas. These symptoms are usually related to the tumor or cancer.
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If your doctor detects signs of ovarian cancer, you may be able to get it treated early, when it is still curable. Ovarian cancer symptoms are common and can also be a sign of other health issues. Early diagnosis can help you make an accurate diagnosis and cure. And as the cancer progresses, your symptoms may become more severe. If they persist for several weeks, it may be a sign of another disease.
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A doctor can help you understand your symptoms and choose the best treatment for your specific situation. Ovarian cancer treatment can affect your reproductive organs, so your doctor will discuss the best options with you to ensure that you are not wasting your fertility. Talk to your doctor about the treatment options and discuss your goals for conception with them. Your doctor can discuss fertility preservation options with you, such as freezing an unfertilized egg or embryo, or opting to preserve your ovaries through surgery. The latter option is usually only available if the cancer is in an early stage.
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During surgery, doctors can detect the cancer in a woman's ovaries and recommend surgery to remove the affected ovary. However, because of the scar tissue that forms after pelvic and abdominal surgery, bowel obstruction may also occur. If you're too young to bear children, doctors may recommend a unilateral salpino-oophorectomy in order to preserve your fertility. The disease can also affect the spleen and various segments of the bowel.
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The early signs of ovarian cancer may resemble symptoms of other health conditions, so it's vital to seek a physician for a proper diagnosis. Early symptoms may be unnoticeable, but they are likely to be related to other illnesses. Therefore, if you notice any of these symptoms, see a healthcare provider immediately. You may have a symptom of ovarian cancer. If you haven't been diagnosed with the disease yet, you may have fibroids or another condition.
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If you suspect ovarian cancer, your doctor may recommend a blood test called CA-125, which measures the CA-125 protein produced by the cancer cells. However, elevated levels of this protein may indicate the presence of ovarian cancer, despite the fact that it can also be caused by a variety of benign conditions. However, elevated levels of CA-125 may indicate ovarian cancer, so it's important to see your doctor as soon as possible.
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Women with ovarian cancer may undergo cytoreduction or debulking surgery, which are procedures designed to target and kill cancer cells. The doctor may also give you chemotherapy, which can reduce the size of the tumor and improve your quality of life. Your healthcare provider may also ask you about your symptoms and order imaging tests, such as CT scans. The resulting images can help your doctor determine if you have ovarian cancer and how aggressive your condition is.
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The symptoms of ovarian cancer are hard to detect without proper diagnosis. The disease is most common in older adults and is often the result of inherited gene changes. Women should visit their doctors if they are experiencing unexplained weight gain or loss. Your doctor will examine your fallopian tubes and abdominal cavities. A biopsy of the cancerous tissue will reveal any abnormalities. A cancer marker called CA125 will be found during this procedure.