Ovarian cancer symptoms are similar to the cramping and bloating women usually experience during their menstrual cycles. These symptoms, however, may be signs of more serious disease. Symptoms of ovarian cancer include a decrease in appetite, increased urination, bloating, and loss of appetite. The bladder wall becomes compressed due to the mass of ovarian cancer cells, causing an increased urge to urinate.
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During diagnosis, doctors will perform several tests to detect the presence of ovarian cancer. Typically, the cancer will have spread to the peritoneal surfaces and lining of the abdomen. It can spread through the peritoneal wall by local extension, lymphatic invasion, or hematogenous dissemination. However, this rarely occurs early in the disease process. Therefore, it is important to know how to spot these symptoms so that the cancer can be treated.
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Although ovarian cancer doesn't always produce symptoms in the early stages, the disease's symptoms are not difficult to notice. Symptoms may include bloating, abdominal or pelvic pain, or an increased need to urinate. In many cases, these symptoms are similar to other conditions, so if they persist or are consistent, it's important to schedule an appointment with your doctor for a thorough examination.
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The types of ovarian cancer include atypical growth of cells. Most ovarian cancers are epithelial, meaning they start in the cells that line the surface of the ovaries. Tumors of this type are generally benign, but they can have some very worrying features. If you see a lump on your ovaries, it's likely to be a tumor of the epithelial type.
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If ovarian cancer has spread to the other parts of the body, your doctor may recommend surgery. A doctor may suggest chemotherapy before surgery to kill cancer cells in the ovaries. Your doctor may also recommend a hysterectomy as well. The latter procedure is recommended if you are younger than 50, as it preserves your fertility. Besides your ovaries, your doctor may also remove your omentum, a thin fold of tissue in your abdomen.
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While ovarian cancer is not completely preventable, you can reduce your risk by implementing healthy lifestyle habits and maintaining a healthy weight. Screening tests for ovarian cancer are not available, so if you experience one or more of these symptoms, you should seek medical advice immediately. However, you should be aware that many early signs of ovarian cancer are quite subtle and often mimic other symptoms, such as a stomachache or the symptoms of perimenopause.
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Although most women develop ovarian cancer in their fifties, young girls can also develop the disease. Fortunately, early detection can increase your chances of surviving. There are also several early symptoms that you can recognize as signs of ovarian cancer. They include: abnormal vaginal bleeding, irregular menstrual periods, and a lower voice. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor to get screened.
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Bleeding during the menstrual cycle can be a sign of ovarian cancer. Moreover, it can also be caused by irregular bleeding or heavy bleeding during your period. If you're an Ashkenazi or Jewish woman, you are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. Women who have never had children or those who give birth after age 30 may also be at a higher risk.
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Early detection of ovarian cancer is essential to your health and that of your family. One in every 78 women will develop ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is the second most common and lethal type of gynecologic cancer in women. It may appear in women of any age. There are several early symptoms of ovarian cancer, and a doctor can help you detect it early. A diagnosis is often made through a series of tests, including a pelvic exam and lab tests. Treatment for ovarian cancer usually includes surgery followed by chemotherapy.
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Many women with ovarian cancer do not exhibit any symptoms at all until the disease has spread to the abdominal area. This is partly due to the lack of clear alarm symptoms. However, women who have experienced these symptoms are more likely to seek medical attention. If any of these symptoms persist for more than a few days, you should seek a doctor's attention right away. The sooner you discover the disease, the better chance you have of beating the cancer.
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After a thorough examination of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, your doctor may perform a laparoscopy or perform a laparotomy. Laparotomy involves a long incision in the abdominal wall. The surgeon may remove the cancerous tissue or remove an ovarian mass. Laparoscopy may also involve the removal of other organs. If the cancer is present in the pelvic area, chemotherapy may be part of the treatment plan.