Ovarian cancer symptoms include pain in the abdomen and loss of appetite. A pelvic tumor can also cause pain in the lower abdomen, similar to that experienced during a period. Women often mistake this pain for a normal menstrual cycle. Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include fluid buildup called ascites, and pain and bloating in the lower abdomen. Although these symptoms are often vague, it is important to see a doctor right away.
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Symptoms of ovarian cancer are difficult to recognize at the early stages, as they can mimic symptoms of less serious conditions. The first signs of the disease are similar to those of pre-menstrual syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome. Eventually, however, they should be taken seriously. It is crucial to seek medical attention if any of these symptoms persists. In the meantime, you can do some simple tests and take action.
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Ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed by a primary care physician or gynecologist. In many cases, the symptoms of ovarian cancer can go unnoticed for years. If they persist, they should be investigated by a medical professional. Because the early symptoms of ovarian cancer can mimic perimenopause symptoms, they are difficult to identify without professional help. However, women with a family history of ovarian cancer should visit a specialist immediately.
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Pelvic pain that feels like menstrual cramps may be a sign of ovarian cancer. Pain in the pelvic area can be diffuse or located on one side of the body. Women with this disease may also experience indigestion and gas. When fluid accumulates in the pelvis, it can compress the bladder. If the pain persists for several days, it may be indicative of ovarian cancer. It is also important to be aware of the symptoms of ovarian cancer in order to get prompt treatment.
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A physician can also perform an ultrasound to examine the ovaries and reproductive organs. This test is painless and requires no preparation. The wand-like probe is inserted into the vagina and sends sound waves through the body. This process helps identify growths in the ovaries. If the ultrasound finds any growths, this may indicate cancer. If the doctor finds any abnormalities, the diagnosis will be made.
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Ovarian cancer is caused by gene mutations. These are not always inherited. A somatic mutation occurs during a lifetime and affects many genes. The mutated TP53 gene, for example, causes the protein p53 to change. This protein normally fights tumors, but when mutated, it becomes ineffective in preventing the growth of tumors. Somatic mutations can affect many genes and contribute to the cancer.
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Fortunately, there are many ways to diagnose ovarian cancer and find out if you have it. Your doctor can perform a series of tests to rule out other conditions. A blood test called CA-125 looks for a protein that's produced by cancer cells. However, elevated levels of this protein can indicate a benign condition such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or gastritis.
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Other signs of ovarian cancer include tumors outside the ovary and fallopian tubes, or fluid that collects in the pelvis. A CT scan can help determine whether cancer has spread to other organs. If it has spread, surgery may be recommended. However, if the cancer is spread to other organs, it is more likely to spread. For example, Stage I has been linked to metastasis.
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The cancerous cells of the ovary may be classified as either epithelial or stromal. The first type affects the ovary's surface cells, while the second type, sex cord-stromal, is found in women older than 40. Both types, however, share similar symptoms and may be the same. Ovarian cancer is dangerous for both women and men. For these reasons, it's important to seek medical attention.
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Treatment for ovarian cancer is typically surgery. A doctor will remove the tumour and any cancerous cells. This may involve a laparoscopy, in which a long incision is made in the abdominal wall. Then, the doctor will insert a thin tube with a camera. This allows the doctor to see the cancer from a different angle. In many cases, chemotherapy is also used. But, in some cases, surgery is not necessary for ovarian cancer.
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If you are unsure about the severity of your symptoms, the first step is to contact your health care provider. Your doctor can discuss a number of treatment options and answer any questions you might have. Once you have been diagnosed, you will need regular appointments to check up on the condition of your ovaries and to monitor any changes. Once you've completed your treatment, observation will be your best friend. After all, observation is key.