If you're a woman, it is important to know your Ovarian Cancer Symptoms so you can seek treatment for it as soon as possible. Early symptoms may mimic those of other, less serious conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome or pre-menstrual syndrome. Here are the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer, and what you can do to recognize them. When you notice any of these symptoms, you should see your healthcare provider immediately.
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Changes in your eating habits, loss of appetite, bloating, and belching may be signs of ovarian cancer. You may also experience changes in bowel movements, including constipation or diarrhea. You may also experience urinary urgency or frequency. A biopsy may reveal the presence of cancer cells. Ovarian cancer symptoms may also be accompanied by a change in your vaginal discharge. You may also experience abdominal pain, and you may also notice changes in your bowel movements.
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Your doctor may perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine if your ovaries are inflamed or abnormal. A thorough medical history should be completed and a pelvic examination performed. You may also be subjected to imaging studies. Transvaginal ultrasonography, which uses high-frequency sound waves to detect growths on the ovary, may be done during the exam. Computed tomography (CT) imaging is another procedure that involves multiple computerized X-rays of your abdominal organs.
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Regardless of the severity of your symptoms, if your ovaries have developed a mass, you may want to seek treatment as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the tumor, treatment may vary. Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer may vary depending on the specific type of ovarian cancer. You may need to undergo surgery, or you may simply have a benign growth. Whatever your symptoms, if you suspect that you have Ovarian Cancer, you should contact a health care provider as soon as possible.
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If you suspect that you may have ovarian cancer, a doctor may recommend CA-125 blood tests. High levels of this protein are a sign of cancer. However, elevated levels may also be caused by many benign conditions. For example, an elevated CA-125 blood test could indicate simple ovarian cysts or endometriosis. In addition, elevated levels of this protein may be indicative of an underlying condition.
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Although the cause of ovarian cancer is unknown, certain risk factors have been linked to the disease. It is not clear why women who have not yet given birth are more susceptible to the disease. However, the risk does decrease with every pregnancy. Breastfeeding, for example, can lower the risk of developing ovarian cancer. These symptoms should be monitored closely to avoid any further complications. It is important to get early diagnosis to prevent cancer from progressing.
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Depending on the stage of the disease, surgery may be necessary. Surgical removal of the affected organ or tumor is usually the first step of treatment. Surgery is the most common method of treatment for ovarian cancer. The tumor is removed through an incision made in the abdominal wall and a thin tube with a camera is inserted inside. This surgical procedure allows the doctor to examine the surrounding tissue and determine if any treatment is necessary.
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Ovarian cancer symptoms are common, but can be misinterpreted for other conditions. In general, the early symptoms are not indicative of ovarian cancer. Some symptoms are attributed to other conditions, but you should consult your healthcare provider to determine whether you have this disease. You should also visit your doctor if you notice any other symptoms of the disease, including a persistent or severe abdominal pain. If your doctor finds any of these symptoms, it is important to schedule an appointment with a gynecologist to determine if there are any complications.
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The age at which ovarian cancer develops is a risk factor. Women over the age of 50 are more likely to develop it than those who have not had a risk factor. Genetic testing for the BRCA gene can identify whether you have a higher risk. Most ovarian cancers develop after the age of 60 years. Full-term pregnancies and breastfeeding may also reduce the risk of developing the disease.