When you first see a doctor for pancreatic cancer, you will most likely have pain. The pain will usually be in the tummy, but can sometimes radiate to the back or neck. It may start as general discomfort in the tummy area and get worse as the disease progresses. The pain will typically be worse when you lie down or eat. You will also have increased pain when you pass stool.
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While pancreatic cancer symptoms may not be immediately apparent, they are common. Some of the most common are yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue. Because the pancreas is hidden behind other organs, health care providers are unlikely to see any tumors during routine examinations. Your doctor will need to perform blood tests, imaging tests, and physical exams to identify the condition. These tests are important to identifying the type of cancer and the best treatment options.
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Upper abdominal pain is a common symptom of pancreatic cancer, but it may also be caused by other conditions. Indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome are two examples of symptoms that do not indicate cancer. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor. If you have difficulty eating, you could be suffering from a pancreatic cyst or tumor. The blockage will likely cause nausea and vomiting. Those who have pain during meals should visit a doctor immediately.
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You may not be aware of the symptoms right away. They may be caused by other conditions. It is best to speak with your health care provider about your symptoms. He or she will ask you about your symptoms and their duration, and will be able to determine if you have pancreatic cancer. During your appointment, your doctor will be able to diagnose your condition. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to seek medical treatment.
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There are many other symptoms of pancreatic cancer. They may include pain when swallowing or indigestion. Although these aren't common signs of pancreatic cancer, they should not be ignored. In some cases, a pancreatic cyst or tumor may wrap around the far end of the stomach. This condition can cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. A doctor will also do an ultrasound of the abdomen to determine if you have any of these symptoms.
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The symptoms of pancreatic cancer do not happen right away. The symptoms can be vague, but may include yellowing of the skin or a bloated appearance. You may also have a fever and feel tired and irritable. The signs of pancreatic cancer are not immediately apparent, but should not be ignored. They can be indicative of a more serious underlying disease. If you have any of these symptoms, see a health care professional for a diagnosis.
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Other symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be difficult to detect. Some symptoms can be confused with other diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion. They should be investigated by a doctor as early as possible, as the cancer can spread to distant areas of the body. So, if you have any of these symptoms, you should consult a health care professional. A screening test will be necessary for pancreatic cancer detection.
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The most common symptom of pancreatic cancer is indigestion. This is not a sign of pancreatic cancer, but it should be a cause for concern. Symptoms can also be confused with symptoms of other conditions. Often, the symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome or indigestion. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a health care professional to get a proper diagnosis.
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Symptoms of pancreatic cancer may include high temperature, indigestion, and stomach pain. The pain may be due to an inflamed pancreas or jaundice. The condition can also affect the liver and cause fatigue. A gastrointestinal bleed can occur due to a ruptured pancreas. If you suspect any of these symptoms, see your doctor. He or she will be able to determine the cause.