Although there are many signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, the symptoms are vague and may not be apparent right away. Some of the most common signs and conditions associated with the disease are yellowing of the skin, pain in the abdomen, fatigue, and weight loss. Since the pancreas is tucked away behind other organs, health care providers cannot visually see a tumor during routine exams. This is why doctors use blood tests and imaging tests to diagnose the condition.
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The most common symptom of pancreatic cancer is pain, which is felt mostly in the body and tail of the pancreas. The pain usually begins in the stomach and moves to the back area. It is worse when lying down, but may subside when a person sits forward. If the pain is persistent and comes and goes, it is time to visit a doctor. Those who have recently had a pancreatic cancer diagnosis may also be experiencing other symptoms.
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A tumor may cause blood clots, also known as deep vein thrombosis. This condition can occur anywhere in the body, but is most common in older patients. It may occur in the limbs or veins. A doctor can detect this condition and recommend a course of treatment. When the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the liver will become swollen and enlarged.
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The main reason people seek medical care for pancreatic cancer is pain. This is usually experienced in the abdomen or tail of the pancreas, and it may extend to the back. A person who has pain in the stomach and back may have an underlying problem like diabetes. The back pain will often be in the middle of the back and is more intense after eating. The patient should visit their doctor immediately if they experience any of these symptoms.
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Almost 70% of people with pancreatic cancer seek medical attention because of pain. The pain will be felt in the body of the pancreas and may be felt further down, such as in the abdomen. The pain will be worse when the patient is lying down or sitting upright. The pain may even be worse after eating. Despite the presence of these symptoms, it is vital to seek medical attention right away as symptoms of pancreatic cancer are not always obvious.
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A person with pancreatic cancer may have several symptoms. The most common is pain, and pain in the stomach or back is usually the most common symptom. It is common for the patient to have back pain and a dull, aching abdomen. In severe cases, the cancer may spread to the spine and distant organs. The patient's symptoms will depend on the stage of the disease. The pain may occur in any part of the body.
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Another common symptom of pancreatic cancer is blood clots. These can happen in the lungs, leg, or abdomen. They can be felt in any location, but the most common place to experience these is the tummy. It is important to seek medical attention right away as these symptoms can be indicative of pancreatic cancer. While there are several other symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer, they all share some common features.
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Pain is another common symptom of pancreatic cancer. Typically, the pain is located in the area where the pancreas sits. It is more common to develop on the body's left side than in the right. Some people have back pain that is worse when they are lying down or sitting forward. These patients may also develop heartburn. A blood clot in the abdomen is a sign of pancreatic cancer.
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In addition to pain, patients with pancreatic cancer may also experience bowel obstruction. In such cases, the pancreas may be so infected that it can interfere with a patient's digestive system. This condition has many symptoms and can make it difficult to identify the disease. Fortunately, it is usually treatable by a doctor. It is best to seek medical advice as early as possible to prevent it.