Penile cancer symptoms can be confusing. A few of them may be bacterial or fungal infections. Other symptoms may be allergic reactions to certain foods. Cysts may appear anywhere on the body, from the hands to the penis. They are usually painless and will respond to ointments and creams, but you should still be treated as if you have cancer until proven otherwise. Men suffering from penile cancer may be ashamed to talk about their genitals and fear of treatment or surgery.
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Fortunately, early detection can help to prevent the spread of the cancer to other parts of the body. While there are no immediate symptoms, your doctor may recommend a biopsy and treatment options. Penile cancer is most treatable when detected in its earliest stages. If you develop any of the symptoms, it's time to schedule a visit to a doctor. Penile cancer is not a life-threatening disease if detected early, but it should be treated as soon as possible.
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Diagnosis of penile cancer begins with a physical exam of the penis and a review of your medical history. Your doctor may order diagnostic tests, including X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging. If your doctor suspects cancer, he may also perform an inguinal lymph node dissection to determine its extent and how far it has spread. Treatment options will depend on the stage of the cancer and the location of the tumor.
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A doctor should be able to detect if you are suffering from any of these symptoms. Penile cancer is a cancer of the penis that causes loss of sex function and disfigurement. It's important to discuss your treatment options with your doctor and advocate for yourself. Penile cancer symptoms can make you fearful of having sex. You may also fear losing your penis and losing sex function, which is another common side effect of the disease.
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Surgery is one option for treating penile cancer. This option is most effective if the cancer is detected at an early stage. Surgery removes the tumor and the surrounding healthy tissue. The aim of the surgery is to achieve remission. Surgical techniques vary in size and scope. For stage 4 disease, a wide local resection involves removing the tumor along with a margin of healthy tissue. Laser excision and wedge resection are other treatment options.
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Penile cancer is a disease of the penis, and it develops when cells grow out of control in the penis. These cancer cells can invade other parts of the body and spread throughout the body. Penile cancer is rare in the United States, affecting about one man in every 100,000 men. In some countries, however, it is more common than penile cancer and only accounts for about 1 percent of all cancers in men.
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Men suffering from any of the symptoms above should consult a urologist. The urologist will perform a thorough examination of the penis and the area at the top of the leg. Swellings in the penis may also be an indication of penile cancer. However, if a doctor suspects cancer, he or she will refer the patient to a specialist penile cancer centre. The specialists at the specialist penile cancer center will arrange further tests for you and determine the extent of your disease. The results of these tests will then be used to plan your treatment.
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Treatments for penile cancer usually include radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is another treatment that may be appropriate for your stage of the disease. This procedure uses drugs to target cancer cells throughout the body. These drugs can be administered as a pill or by injection. Topical chemotherapy is used for some types of penile cancer. However, it should be noted that chemotherapy can be painful. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as you notice any of the symptoms.