While there are no specific Pheochromocytoma symptoms, a broad range of common ones can indicate this condition. These include the classic triad, palpitations, and profuse sweating. Although hemoptysis is a rare symptom, it should be suspected if the patient has been experiencing any of these issues. Other common Pheochromocytoma symptoms include invasion, architectural variation, necrosis, and proliferative activity.
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Individuals with pheochromocytoma are genetically predisposed. This means that they have a gene that is altered but is not expressed without a trigger. In such a case, the tumor may never develop. On the other hand, some cases of the disease are the result of a spontaneous genetic change, which can be passed down through family members. It is important to note that Pheochromocytoma Symptoms are often similar for both males and females.
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Most pheochromocytomas occur in the extra-adrenal region. They are commonly located in the abdomen. Pheochromocytomas can develop at any age, although they are most common in people in their third to fifth decades of life. They may cause no symptoms at all or be silent, but patients may notice rapid heartbeat, sweating, and increased anxiety. Sometimes, they may even appear in combination with symptoms of other conditions, such as cancer.
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Depending on the severity of the tumor, the symptoms of Pheochromocytoma may manifest in many ways. The episodes may be episodic and last only a few minutes, or they can last for hours. Although the cause of Pheochromocytoma is not yet known, the disorder is generally related to proteins and hormones in the body. For this reason, genetic testing is recommended.
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A doctor may recommend surgery to remove a pheochromocytoma. While most cases are benign and go away on their own, some pheochromocytomas are malignant and will have to undergo radiation therapy or chemotherapy to keep them under control. Additionally, screening of family members may be necessary to detect the condition. While the majority of Pheochromocytoma symptoms are not life-threatening, they may result in high blood pressure and other complications.
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Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal gland. These glands produce adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are responsible for maintaining a normal heart rate and blood pressure. However, if one has Pheochromocytoma, this gland begins to produce too much of these hormones, resulting in high blood pressure and other health concerns. It may also spread to other parts of the body.
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If you suspect pheochromocytoma, the most common symptom is high blood pressure. Although 10% of patients with Pheochromocytoma have normal blood pressure, it's important to note that high blood pressure can happen permanently, in a burst or as a result of a stressful event. If you notice these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.
Generally, patients with a triad of Pheochromocytoma are considered high-risk for this condition, especially if they also have a family history of endocrine tumors. Genetic testing for Pheochromocytoma is also an option. If your family history is a source of the disease, your doctor may refer you straight to genetic testing.
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The symptoms of Pheochromocytoma can be hard to identify. It may appear in men or women, and can also affect people of any age. Pheochromocytomas are common in both sexes. In fact, one in four people with this condition has a family history of the disease. Symptoms can come on suddenly or occur at irregular intervals. Most often, the onset of symptoms is sudden, and they are best treated early.
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High blood pressure, sweating, and excessive sweating are just a few of the common symptoms of Pheochromocytoma. The tumors cause the overproduction of catecholamines, which trigger a variety of other symptoms. The primary symptoms include excessive sweating, high blood pressure, and palpitations. In severe cases, the tumors can also affect the cardiovascular system. When these symptoms are not addressed early, they can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.
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Other common symptoms of Pheochromocytoma include high blood pressure and headache. While a patient can experience all of these symptoms, they are often asymptomatic. A doctor will want to discuss all possible factors and ask about your symptoms. If they're consistent, they'll recommend further tests. If they're persistent, you'll need to consult a physician. Pheochromocytoma is a rare tumor that should be diagnosed early.