While you may have heard of the symptoms of pituitary gland tumor, there are more to these than you might think. These symptoms are different in men and women. In fact, pituitary tumor symptoms may be completely different for both men and women. In addition, men and women experience different symptoms due to their different levels of the hormone prolactin. So, while you may experience some of these symptoms, don't be alarmed if you don't have any of them. Your doctor will likely be able to determine what's causing your symptoms.
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The first step in treatment is a full evaluation. Your doctor will perform blood tests to check for hormone levels and determine the size of your pituitary tumor. They may also perform an MRI to see where the tumor is located and what structures surround it. A specialist may also perform tests on your eyes, to determine if the tumor is pressing on your optic nerves. And, an endocrinologist will evaluate your hormone levels and recommend treatment based on the results of these tests.
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Most people are unaware of these symptoms. While pituitary tumors are rare and only cause symptoms if they are large or inoperable, it is important to be aware of them. Pituitary adenomas are the most common type of pituitary tumor. Symptoms of pituitary adenomas are often not noticeable unless they are in a stage where symptoms can occur.
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Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas are the most common types of pituitary tumors. Pituitary adenomas typically do not produce hormones. Nonfunctioning tumors produce no hormones, which can cause vision loss, headaches, fatigue, and decreased sexual function. The symptoms of a pituitary tumor may be similar to other tumor types. Aside from the symptoms listed above, other possible signs and symptoms of a pituitary adenomas include the following:
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Despite these symptoms, a pituitary adenomas are often benign. Unlike malignant tumors, these types don't spread throughout the body. But they can cause serious symptoms and need to be treated by a doctor. You'll have to undergo surgery to remove the tumor and undergo specialized medical tests to determine the type of tumor. In some cases, however, these tumors can be treated with medications or radiation therapy.
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The most common pituitary adenomas are benign, although some cases are malignant. MRI and CT scans can be used to diagnose pituitary adenomas. Your doctor can also run blood and urine tests to determine which hormones are being produced. It's difficult to tell the difference between a non-cancerous and a cancerous pituitary adenomas, so it's important to have your tumor diagnosed as early as possible.
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Treatment for pituitary adenomas depends on the type and size of the tumor. Treatment may include careful monitoring, medication, surgery, or gamma-knife radiosurgery. A doctor will guide you through the treatment options and give you all the necessary information. This way, you can make the right decision for your health. In most cases, it won't be too late to seek treatment.
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Some people may have symptoms of pituitary adenomas even if the tumor doesn't produce hormones. Adenomas that produce hormones can cause symptoms such as increased body temperature and irritability. While these symptoms are the result of increased hormone levels, they are only a small part of the tumor. In other cases, pituitary adenomas can cause problems in nearby organs.
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The pituitary gland is a tiny organ at the base of the brain. It is attached to the base of the brain, which is behind the nose. This is known as the "master gland" because it controls the secretion of most of the hormones in your body. The normal pituitary gland is less than one gram in size and is about the size of a kidney bean.