A pituitary tumor can have symptoms that vary from person to person, but are common to both. These symptoms include less frequent menstrual periods, decreased milk from the breasts, lowered sex drive, and decreased growth. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, contact your doctor for a thorough examination. Some symptoms of pituitary cancer are listed below. However, you should not be alarmed if you don't experience all of them.
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In most cases, pituitary tumors are non-cancerous and will not spread to other parts of the body. However, they can cause serious problems when they press on the optic nerves and cause blindness. Treatment for pituitary tumors varies, but typically involves a procedure that removes the tumor via the nose. For some patients, the surgery may involve an opening in the skull or sinuses.
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Despite these risks, there are several pituitary tumor symptoms that are often attributed to other conditions. The most obvious symptom of pituitary tumor is vision problems. It can press on the optic nerve, which controls peripheral vision. As a result, patients may experience loss of vision or double vision. The ability to move one's head and face can also be affected. This condition may lead to other problems, including weakness and memory problems.
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The size and makeup of pituitary tumors differ, and treatment options vary. A pituitary tumor may be removed by surgery or by radiation, and treatment will depend on its size and spread. The type of treatment depends on the size and location of the tumor, and the condition of the patient. Once treatment has been completed, patients will likely be scheduled for periodic checkups and MRIs. These treatments may include surgery and medication.
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Other symptoms of pituitary tumors include pain, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. Some of these symptoms may be due to a pituitary tumor's effect on the surrounding structure. However, some non-functioning adenomas do not have any symptoms and are diagnosed through MRI. However, if they are detected early enough, treatment may not be necessary.
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As with all symptoms of any cancer, pituitary tumor symptoms may be similar to those of other medical conditions. Treatment options for pituitary tumors depend on the type and location of the tumor, and may be helpful in relieving symptoms and improving the patient's quality of life. Treatment for pituitary tumors may include physical examination, a thorough medical history, and a range of tests.
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If the symptoms of pituitary tumor are not present immediately, you may be suffering from pituitary apoplexy, a rare but potentially dangerous complication. This complication occurs when bleeding from the tumor causes pain and pressure. In this case, you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will most likely prescribe corticosteroids or perform surgery if you experience this condition.
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Pituitary tumors begin in the cells of the pituitary gland, a small pea-sized gland in the center of the brain. It regulates hormone levels, including those that control body weight and fat levels, and is responsible for regulating a number of important functions. Some patients may even experience a loss of vision or even blindness. However, if it is detected early enough, treatment can cure the condition.
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A pituitary tumor will produce abnormal hormone levels, which can lead to a number of other symptoms. A pituitary tumor will also cause a person to feel tired and irritable all of the time. Symptoms of pituitary tumors will vary, but in general, these signs indicate that the gland is malfunctioning. While some people may not experience any of these signs or symptoms, other signs can indicate that the gland is functioning abnormally.