While primary CNS lymphoma is most often diagnosed in the fifties and sixties, the disease can strike at any age. People with a suppressed immune system are particularly at risk for the disease. Treatment for primary CNS lymphoma is different from that of AIDS. However, since the turn of the century, the incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma has increased worldwide.
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There are several symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma, including increased headache, changes in personality, visual problems, weakness and paralysis, and speech problems. These symptoms increase rapidly and need to be examined by a healthcare provider within several weeks of the onset of these symptoms. However, they may vary based on the location of the cancer. Therefore, it is vital that patients receive a complete diagnosis from a qualified physician for proper management.
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A thorough physical examination will help the doctors determine the exact location of the tumor. They may also use MRI and CT scans to determine the extent of the disease. A biopsy will be needed to confirm whether or not the disease is a lymphoma. A biopsy of tissue from the tumor will be sent to a pathologist for analysis. During the examination, the pathologist may perform one or several tests on the sample. Chromosomes are parts of cells that carry genetic information, and the presence of atypical chromosomes helps identify the type of cancer. MRI scans can be done as frequently as every three to four months.
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The MRI brain is recommended as the first test when the patient is suspected of having primary central nervous system lymphoma. The tumor is usually centered within the cerebral white matter, in the periventricular region, and hypointense on T1. CT is usually normal, but a ring-like enhancement is common in up to 13% of cases. Patients with primary CNS lymphoma often have a low incidence of seizures.
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While there are no specific risk factors for this cancer type, it is believed to affect individuals with weak immune systems. People with AIDS, organ transplants, and immunosuppressive medications are at increased risk. However, primary CNS lymphoma symptoms are becoming more common in healthy individuals. It is not known whether primary CNS lymphoma will spread to the brain, but it is possible to detect the disease early by ensuring the right treatment.
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Most patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma present with progressive myelopathy, with the majority having associated constitutional symptoms. Twenty-nine percent of patients had back pain as the presenting symptom. Forty-three percent of patients also experienced lower motor neuron signs, including numbness and areflexia. In addition, patients with flaccid paralysis were more likely to have a higher incidence of back pain.
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A person with primary CNS lymphoma may also experience a variety of neurological symptoms, including seizures and increased intracranial pressure. They may also develop floaters or other eye problems and have impaired vision. In 7% of patients, systemic symptoms occur before neurologic symptoms. Systemic symptoms can include fever, night sweats, and weight loss. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's time to seek medical treatment.
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A primary central nervous system lymphoma, or PCNSL, is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma that affects any central nervous system component. It is often associated with a higher incidence among elderly patients. Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) symptoms can vary from mild to severe, depending on the location of the cancer. In addition to neurological symptoms, patients with PCNSL may experience psychiatric symptoms.
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PCNSL can cause several neurological symptoms, including a gait imbalance, eye movement disorders, and intractable vomiting. It is rare, but possible for this type of lymphoma to involve the spinal cord. Compression of the spinal cord can cause loss of sensation, weakness, and dysfunction of the bladder and bowel. Primary CNS lymphoma can also involve peripheral or cranial nerves. Patients with these conditions may experience nerve pain and even paralysis.