What are Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma symptoms? The following list is a summary of some of the most common symptoms of this type of cancer. Symptoms usually begin before any other signs or symptoms. For example, patients may experience increased intracranial pressure, seizures, or vitreous involvement in the eye, which can impair vision. In addition, patients may experience floaters or other signs of vision impairment. In 7% of cases, systemic symptoms begin before any neurologic signs or symptoms occur. These symptoms can include fever, night sweats, and weight loss.
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Symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma vary according to location. Patients may experience focal neurological deficits, impaired movement, and neurocognitive deficits. Some patients may also experience personality changes. Other symptoms may include persistent vomiting, vision changes, and loss of appetite. Patients should also seek medical attention if they develop any of these symptoms. Primary CNS lymphoma symptoms should be investigated as early as possible, as the condition can progress rapidly and lead to serious complications.
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Treatment for primary CNS lymphoma is different from that for lymphomas in other parts of the body. Because there is a blood-brain barrier, few drugs can reach the brain. Until a few decades ago, the only effective treatment for this disease was radiotherapy of the whole brain. Today, chemotherapy with high doses can overcome these barriers. However, this method is not recommended for everyone.
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If the diagnosis is confirmed, patients may require a lymphoma biopsy. Treatment will vary depending on the stage of the disease and the symptoms. Patients with PCNSL may experience pain and swelling in the skull or spine. Chemotherapy is usually the first treatment, which aims to remove any lumps found on scans. Patients may also undergo surgery to reduce the pressure on their brains. They may also need anticonvulsants to prevent seizures caused by PCNSL.
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If a patient suspects that they have CNS lymphoma, they should see a doctor right away. This diagnosis will determine if the disease has spread to other parts of the body. If it has spread to the eye, they should see a neurologist right away. If a diagnosis is made, treatment will be more effective than before. And, if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, they can be treated accordingly.
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Treatment for primary central nervous system lymphoma can include high-dose chemotherapy, which kills cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. Another treatment option is stem cell transplant. This procedure replaces blood-forming cells with newly-grown ones. The stem cells are harvested from the patient's blood or bone marrow. They are then frozen and reinfused into the patient's body through an infusion. The stem cells regenerate and produce blood cells.
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If CNS lymphoma has spread to the eye, symptoms can include blurred vision and floaters. This is not an uncommon symptom of lymphoma, but it should be evaluated by a physician. Patients with CNS lymphoma should have a biopsy for proper diagnosis. A pathologist will review the tissue and determine the type of lymphoma. Symptoms of CNS lymphoma may also include headaches and nausea, back pain, and incontinence.
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The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The CNS coordinates nearly everything the body does. Because of the close proximity of the spinal cord, primary CNS lymphoma typically begins in the brain. The eye is also a frequent site of primary CNS lymphoma, and the disease tends to spread throughout the CNS over time. Lymphoma is a type of cancer of the lymphatic system, which carries immune system cells called lymphocytes.
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Most PCNSL cases involve bulky tumors on the CNS. They may be associated with dural-based lymphomas, small lymphocytic B-cell lymphoma, or T-cell lymphoma. The majority of these tumors are B-cell lymphomas, although T-cell PCNSL is rare. However, in some cases, CSF studies may reveal a positive diagnosis.
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The most common symptom of primary CNS lymphoma is progressive myelopathy, which occurs in 64 percent of cases. Patients with lymphoma exhibit an increased risk of developing it because they have an immunodeficiency. In addition, HIV infection also increases the risk of PCNSL. Between 1970 and 2000, a significant increase in PCNSL was associated with an increase in HIV infection, but the incidence has declined since then.
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The diagnosis of HIV infection may have an impact on treatment for primary central nervous system lymphoma. HIV affects CD4 cells, also known as T cells, which are used by the body to fight infection and disease. Once infected, HIV uses CD4 cells to multiply and spread the disease throughout the body. Once the virus has established itself in the body, lymphoma patients may receive targeted therapy.