Primary Central Nervous System (CNS) lymphoma symptoms can include seizures. Patients with AIDS-related PCNSL are also at risk for seizures. Treatment options for primary CNS lymphoma include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and steroid therapy. Steroid therapy reduces swelling and raised intracranial pressure around the tumour. Chemotherapy is given in high doses via an intravenous line into a vein or the fluid surrounding the brain. Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells.
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Diagnostic testing for this condition may include MRIs of the spine and chest. Diagnostic tests are also done to evaluate the spread of lymphoma and predict whether it will respond to therapy or recur. Blood tests may also reveal low red blood cells and platelets, a sign of lymphoma. White blood cells fight infection and may be affected by lymphoma. Patients with these symptoms may also experience ocular involvement.
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MRI scans may reveal the presence of CNS lymphoma by using radio waves and magnetic fields to create computerized images of body structures. MRIs are more sensitive than CT scans and can pinpoint lymphoma tumors that may be located in the brain. X-rays may also reveal the presence of cancer cells. The doctor may prescribe MRI scans for patients with CNS lymphoma.
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In immunocompetent patients, CNS lymphoma lesions are larger and more widespread. These lesions are often found in the frontal lobe, the corpus callosum, and the basal ganglia. One study found that the tumor's lesions were predominantly heterogeneous in enhancement, with some patients having a ring-like appearance. It is important to note that lymphoma lesions are rare in AIDS-related patients.
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While the exact cause of primary CNS lymphoma is unknown, the condition is more prevalent in people with weakened immune systems. People with HIV/AIDS or organ transplants are at higher risk. However, the incidence of this cancer is increasing in otherwise healthy individuals. If you suspect that you or someone you know has this disease, seek medical advice immediately. A comprehensive diagnosis may result in a cure.
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Treatment for CNS lymphoma is effective when the cancer has not spread outside the cerebrum (the largest portion of the brain), but it can also be difficult to manage. Patients with CNS lymphoma must be under 60 years old, and must still be able to function and maintain daily activities. Patients must also have no other medical conditions that weaken their immune system, such as AIDS.
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The first symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include an increased intracranial pressure. This can result from either the tumor itself or a blockage of the cerebral fluid spaces. Symptoms may also include headaches, nausea, and changes in personality. In rare cases, patients may also experience seizures, change in personality, and weakness in one side of their body. Paralysis may also occur.
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Although rare, primary CNS lymphoma is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. The disease is becoming more common in the elderly population. Its familiarity with clinical presentation and radiographic features may help physicians minimize unnecessary biopsy and treatment options. Moreover, knowing the clinical and radiographic presentation of primary CNS lymphoma can facilitate rapid evaluation of extra-CNS disease, allowing the physician to adjust therapeutic management accordingly. Patients with a long disease-free interval may show no relapse, but reports have been reported of relapse even years after treatment.
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The most common treatment for PCNSL is whole-brain irradiation. It is combined with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is still in its developmental stages. Its survival rate at five years is less than 5%. In the meantime, chemotherapy for primary CNS lymphoma is only about 5%. These are some of the symptoms associated with the disease. For more information on primary CNS lymphoma, contact your health care provider today.
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Although the most common type of lymphoma is B-cell lymphoma, there are many subtypes of T-cell lymphomas. The primary type of PCNS lymphoma involves B-cells, and the other types arise from precursors of B-cell lymphomas. These two types are related in immunosuppression. They share some symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.
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A diagnosis of primary CNS lymphoma is important, as the disease spreads to the brain and spinal cord. Although it is rare, the symptoms can include seizures, blurred vision, and confusion. Primary CNS lymphoma is treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The cancer will then shrink and eventually go away. It is important to seek treatment immediately to minimize the risk of complications. So, how do you know if you have the disease?