What Are the Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNS) Symptoms? If you suspect that you have this disease, you will need to have several tests. One of them is a lumbar puncture, which is the insertion of a needle into the spinal cord to obtain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The CSF contains tumor cells, abnormal protein and glucose levels, and can predict how well treatment will work. A blood test can also detect the presence of CNS lymphoma symptoms, including low levels of white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells. Those cells are the ones that fight infections.
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If you're experiencing one of these CNS lymphoma symptoms, you should immediately schedule a consultation with a healthcare provider. Depending on where the tumor is located, you may have the same symptoms or a different set of symptoms. The doctor will recommend a treatment plan and suggest a course of action. Although primary CNS lymphoma is relatively rare, its symptoms may appear suddenly and unexpectedly.
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Depending on the location of the tumor, treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. It is most effective for patients whose tumor has not spread outside the cerebrum, the largest part of the brain. However, the patient must be young enough to maintain daily functions and be diagnosed before the age of sixty, and must not have any diseases that weaken the immune system. Patients should also contact a team of healthcare providers to discuss available treatments.
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Although primary CNS lymphoma is rare, it does occur. The cancerous cells that form in the CNS travel through the lymphatic system, which is part of the body's immune system. The CNS also contains the spinal cord and the eye, making diagnosis of the disease essential. Symptoms of this type of cancer are based on their location and how the disease spreads throughout the body.
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Although primary CNS lymphoma is usually found in the brain and spinal cord, it can also begin in the eye or elsewhere in the body and spread throughout the CNS. This type of cancer can also spread to other parts of the body, including the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord. Primary CNS lymphoma has psychiatric manifestations and is generally curable. Therefore, it is important to seek medical care immediately to detect the disease.
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Immunocompetent patients with CNS lymphoma tend to have larger lesions. These lesions are typically located in the frontal lobe, the corpus callosum, and the basal ganglia. Imaging study results in 96% diffusion restriction and 98.5% enhancement. The lesions are predominantly enhancing, with a 50 percent homogeneous and 42% heterogeneous enhancement.
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Treatment for primary CNS lymphoma includes chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells and stop their growth. External radiation, which involves a machine that beams radiation to the entire brain, is another treatment for primary CNS lymphoma. Glucocorticoids are often given to reduce the swelling caused by the disease. These drugs may also be used as supportive care in addition to chemotherapy.
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PCNSL is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma that affects the central nervous system. PCNSL may be located in the brain, leptomeninges, eyes, or spinal cord, and can cause focal neurologic deficits, seizures, and personality changes. While there are no specific symptoms for PCNSL, a high degree of clinical suspicion is essential.
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Despite the low incidence of this rare cancer, the associated morbidity and mortality make it an important disease to watch out for. Although it is extremely rare, primary CNS lymphoma is increasing in the elderly. Knowing the signs and symptoms will help physicians detect the disease as early as possible, thus decreasing the risk of an unnecessary biopsy. The cancer recurs after a long period of time, but treatment is effective and can lead to a cure.