A comprehensive physical exam will reveal whether your symptoms are due to primary CNS lymphoma or if your condition is primarily related to a secondary cancer. Your doctor will also conduct neurological exams to assess any changes or complications. Your eye care provider may dilate your pupils and perform special tests to assess the growth of tumors. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a CT scan, which uses magnets to view blood flow in the brain. If your disease involves your spinal cord, a brain MRI is performed. During this procedure, your physician will insert a dye into your vein to make the image more visible. The dye will help your physician find any cancer cells.
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When your primary CNS lymphoma affects your brain and spine, you may experience an increased intracranial pressure. This pressure is caused by either a blockage in the fluid-filled spaces inside your brain, or by the tumour itself. This pressure can lead to a number of different symptoms, including headaches, vomiting, and difficulty with vision. You may also feel weak and disoriented on one side. If the tumour is in the spinal cord, you may experience weakness or paralysis on that side of your body. These symptoms are common in people in their late 50s and 60s, but they can occur at any age.
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Patients with primary CNS lymphoma should seek treatment as soon as possible. Although the disease usually doesn't cause any visible symptoms, there are some common symptoms to look out for. In addition to headaches, you may also experience changes in your personality, memory, and visual abilities. Some patients may develop speech problems and even paralysis. Your physician should evaluate your symptoms and suggest a course of treatment.
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The main symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include raised intracranial pressure, headaches, visual changes, and a general lack of alertness. These symptoms can also be associated with confusion and paralysis. Because they can develop quickly, primary CNS lymphoma should be treated as soon as possible. If the symptoms continue for a few weeks, it's time to consult a healthcare provider.
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The main symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are increased intracranial pressure, headaches, and changes in personality and alertness. Other common symptoms include visual and mental changes, and even weakness and loss of speech. Most patients with primary CNS lymphoma experience memory and vision changes. They may also develop dementia or experience seizures. However, the onset of these symptoms is different from those of secondary CNS lymphoma.
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Other symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include elevated intracranial pressure, which can occur when the cancer has spread to the brain. Other symptoms include nausea, confusion, and headaches. Some patients may also experience memory problems and other side effects. In addition to the pain and physical signs of primary CNS lymphoma, patients with this cancer should seek out a clinical trial or new treatment options to relieve the condition.
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If you suspect that you may have this type of cancer, the main symptoms include raised intracranial pressure, a change in personality, and memory problems. Some people with this cancer may experience a variety of side effects, including loss of speech and personality. The most common symptom of primary CNS lymphoma is increased pressure inside the skull. In addition to increased intracranial pressure, you may also experience a blockage in your brain. If the tumour is on one side of your brain, you may suffer from a weakness or paralysis on one side of your body.
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The main symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include a change in personality and visual changes. In addition to these, your doctor may also notice changes in your speech and vision. Other symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are fever, weight loss, and a change in personality. Symptoms of primary CNS cancer will vary from person to person, so it's important to be sure to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any of these symptoms.
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Other symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include elevated intracranial pressure, headaches, changes in personality, visual changes, and paralysis. While primary CNS lymphoma is rare, it can occur in any age. Your doctor will be able to provide the best treatment options. While your symptoms may be different depending on where the disease has spread, you should visit your healthcare provider immediately for a full evaluation.