The most common Primary CNS lymphoma symptoms include headache, changes in personality and alertness, visual and speech changes, and fatigue. These symptoms often escalate very quickly and require immediate medical attention. They can also occur in combination with the other symptoms of Primary CNS lymphoma. Patients should see a healthcare provider as soon as possible if they begin to experience any of these symptoms. A patient's diet and lifestyle should be closely monitored and evaluated in order to determine the best course of treatment.
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Symptoms of Primary CNS lymphoma include blurred vision, floaters, or sensitivity to light. Although these are not necessarily indicators of lymphoma, they can be indicative of the disease. Additionally, people with this type of cancer may experience weakness or paralysis, particularly in their arms and tummies. A biopsy will reveal if these symptoms are caused by Primary CNS lymphoma.
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When the tumor is in the brain, the pressure in the skull may increase. This is caused by the blockage of fluid-filled spaces in the brain. If the tumour is in the eye, it may cause blindness or seizures. During a CT scan, the doctor will measure the pressure in the brain using magnets. In some cases, a dye is injected into the vein, which improves the visibility of the brain and helps detect cancer cells.
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The main symptoms of Primary CNS lymphoma include increased pressure in the skull. This may be caused by a blockage of fluid-filled spaces in the brain or by the tumour itself. Other symptoms may include nausea, confusion, and vision problems. Another symptom is weakness or paralysis of one side of the body. The most common age at which primary CNS lymphoma occurs is in the mid- to late fifties, but it can also develop in older individuals.
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The main symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are increased pressure in the skull and raised intracranial pressure. The cancer cells in the brain may also affect the patient's ability to hear, see, or smell. These symptoms are the most common signs of Primary CNS lymphoma. They can also occur in younger adults. The disease is caused by many factors, including a weakened immune system and certain medications.
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A primary CNS lymphoma is often caused by a tumor in the brain or spinal cord. MRI and CT scans can identify the specific location of the tumor. The doctor may also recommend a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. The cancer is usually present in the affected area of the brain. A person with this condition will experience an increased risk of developing other symptoms. Acute or chronic illness that affects the immune system will likely cause a person to have fewer than one of the symptoms described above.
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While the main symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include increased pressure in the skull, a blocked fluid-filled space within the brain, and increased intracranial pressure, these symptoms can also be accompanied by headaches, seizures, and other signs of cancer. Increasing intracranial pressure in the brain can also result in a weaker side of the body. Moreover, a tumour in the spinal cord can cause weakness or even paralysis on one side of the body. While the disease is most common in people who have advanced HIV infection, people can develop this disease at any age.
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While primary CNS lymphoma is generally found in older adults, it can also strike anyone of any age. It is usually more common in people with a suppressed immune system and can cause a range of symptoms. As with any form of cancer, it is important to seek prompt medical attention if you feel any of the following signs. You should also consider the type of treatment you'll need.
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Your doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination and MRI scans to diagnose your disease. Your health history will be reviewed along with any symptoms you're experiencing. Your doctor may also order blood tests and a CT scan. MRIs can help the doctor evaluate the condition of your lymphoma and determine the best course of treatment. It is also important to keep in mind that primary CNS lymphoma is not the same as secondary lymphoma.