The main symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are increased pressure inside the skull, nausea, disturbed vision, weakness, and speech changes. The symptoms can develop quickly and require immediate medical attention. Patients who develop these symptoms should seek help from their family, doctor, or online support groups. The disease can also be progressive and affect the patient's overall quality of life. This cancer usually affects people in their 50s, but it can occur at any age.
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Depending on the location of the tumor, patients can experience different symptoms. Headache, numbness, and weakness of the arms and legs are the most common primary CNS lymphoma symptoms. More serious symptoms can include seizures, intractable vomiting, and back pain. Often, the cancer has spread to the spinal cord, compromising the function of the bowel and bladder. Additionally, the affected cranial nerves may also be involved. These nerves are affected, resulting in peripheral or cranial nerve pain, deficits specific to the region, or a combination of these problems.
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The most common symptom of primary CNS lymphoma is a swollen eye. This condition may also cause blurred vision and floaters, although floaters are not a sign of lymphoma. Other symptoms of this disorder include paralysis, intractable vomiting, and other neurologic problems. A biopsy is needed to determine the exact type of primary CNS lymphoma, as well as other symptoms.
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As with any other cancer, primary CNS lymphoma is not easily diagnosed. It typically develops in the fifties or sixties, but it can affect anyone. While both diseases have similar symptoms, the latter has a better prognosis. In addition, AIDS patients with this cancer are more likely to have a suppressed immune system. As a result, many patients with this form of the disease may have to undergo a prolonged course of therapy, resulting in poorer health and even death.
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Symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma vary. Some patients have mild symptoms while others may have severe symptoms, including nausea, numbness, vision loss, and seizures. In addition, patients may also experience mental and physical changes, such as a loss of consciousness, a feeling of being ill, or vision impairment. These symptoms are common in primary CNS lymphoma and should be monitored closely.
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In addition to the symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma, patients may experience spinal cord pain. Patients with spinal cord lymphoma may also experience leg or back pain, and incontinence. Other symptoms include a high fever, difficulty breathing, and difficulty speaking. However, other CNS lymphoma symptoms are less severe than those of those with primary CNS lymphoma.
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The symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma depend on the anatomical location of the tumor. Some patients may experience arm or leg weakness, or even seizures. Other symptoms include mental and physical changes, as well as a change in mental alertness. Some patients may also experience pain in their hands, feet, and face. In some cases, bowel dysfunction can be a symptom of primary CNS lymphoma.
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Patients with primary CNS lymphoma will often have symptoms related to their eyes or brain. These symptoms may include gait imbalance, vision loss, and intractable vomiting. Some patients will develop intraocular involvement as well. In addition to pain and stiffness, they may also experience other CNS lymphoma symptoms. Some patients with PCNSL will experience other neurological effects, including confusion and fatigue.
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The symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are dependent on the location of the tumor and the type of the cancer. The most common symptoms are asymmetric weakness, impaired movement, and personality changes. In severe cases, bowel dysfunction may lead to incontinence. Some patients with these symptoms may also experience headaches and vomiting. Approximately four percent of patients with primary CNS lymphoma have intraocular involvement.
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A person suffering from primary CNS lymphoma will not have any visible signs or symptoms. Most people with this cancer will experience swelling and floaters in their eyes. Other signs of primary CNS lymphoma include unexplained weight loss and a loss of appetite. A person may experience several symptoms, including eyelid spotting and floaters. There is no fever or sweating.