What is Primary Peritoneal Cancer? This type of cancer begins in cells of the peritoneum, a layer of tissue that surrounds abdominal organs and prevents them from sticking together. It is similar to epithelial ovarian cancer in its symptoms and microscopic appearance. Both types of cancer respond to similar treatments. A CT scan can show tumors on the liver, bladder, and ovary.
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Screening tests for peritoneal cancer do not provide early detection or an elevated risk of developing the disease. To confirm the diagnosis, a doctor may order a series of tests, including a blood test for a protein known as CA125. The level of this protein may be elevated in patients with a high risk of developing peritoneal cancer. During the screening, the doctor may also perform a transvaginal ultrasound, which involves pressing a finger into the vagina to visualize the abdominal organs.
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When imaging primary peritoneal tumors, it is crucial to know how to interpret the results of the scan. Imaging studies of the abdomen for peritoneal cancer can help clinicians differentiate between benign and malignant tumors. It is important to note that primary peritoneal cancer is rare, but it does represent 10% of all peritoneal serous carcinomas. It can also develop after benign or prophylactic oophorectomy. Patients with this type of tumor typically present with abdominal pain, distention, and a palpable mass in the abdomen.
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Desmoplastic small round cell tumors of the peritoneal cavity are rare, but they do exist. These tumors are aggressive and can spread to the lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and other organs. Primary peritoneal cancer is typically diagnosed in young adults and is a difficult tumor to treat. However, treatment options are available. In some cases, it may be difficult to detect. If the disease is detected early, it can be cured without invasive surgery.
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In addition to genetic mutations, some women are at a higher risk of peritoneal cancer. Women who have Lynch syndrome or Li-Fraumeni syndrome are more likely to develop the disease than women without these mutations. Women with this genetic mutation have an increased risk of developing the disease, and this cancer is rare in men. Nonetheless, prevention of primary peritoneal cancer is possible through a healthy lifestyle and a strong immune system.
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Most people start by consulting their GP. Their GP may examine their abdomen and feel for lumps and tender areas. If the cancer has spread or recurred, they may try targeted therapies to stop the growth of cancer cells. Depending on the type of primary peritoneal cancer, chemotherapy can also be used to treat it. However, cancer is often not detected until it has advanced stages. There are no specific symptoms of peritoneal cancer until it has spread throughout the body.
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As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in women only. Primary peritoneal serous carcinoma is almost identical to ovarian serous carcinoma, and sometimes can even mimic metastatic ovarian cancer. The benign proliferative process leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata is another type of peritoneal cancer. This type of cancer involves the growth of numerous smooth muscle nodules throughout the peritoneum. A very aggressive cancer of unknown origin, desmoplastic small round cell tumor, is considered a rare type of primary peritoneal carcinoma.
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Stage II cancer is considered primary, and can occur in the ovaries or fallopian tubes. In stage III, the cancer has spread to the lymph system, lungs, and other areas of the pelvis. Surgery is usually the first treatment option. During surgery, the visible signs of cancer are removed. Sometimes, part of the intestines or the liver are also removed. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it can spread to other organs.
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A CT scan of Wilson's abdomen revealed three liters of brown fluid. Surgical removal of the tumors allowed doctors to confirm the cancer's diagnosis. The doctors removed her ovaries, fallopian tubes, liver, and bladder. It turned out to be stage 3C primary peritoneal cancer. She had assumed that gynecologic cancers affected only the ovaries, but her diagnosis revealed she had a rare type of ovarian cancer.
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The peritoneum is made of two layers: an inner layer covering the abdominal organs, and a protective outer layer that lines the wall of the abdomen. Primary peritoneal cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage, but new treatments are improving survival rates. Primary peritoneal cancer is also known as PMP. In addition to being an ovarian cancer subtype, PMP is often inherited from a father or mother. The treatment for Primary Peritoneal Cancer is similar to that for ovarian cancer.