Treatment for primary peritoneal cancer typically includes a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. Sometimes, cancer doctors will also perform neoadjuvant therapy to shrink the tumors prior to surgery. Wilson, for example, had surface tumors removed, followed by chemotherapy. Although she eventually recovered from her cancer, she still has to undergo a series of treatments to keep her cancer from recurring. In the meantime, her treatment is helping her feel better.
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During the diagnosis process, your doctor will likely ask you about your symptoms and perform a physical examination. The surgeon may be able to feel tumor nodules in the fluid or the abdomen during the exam. Sometimes, your doctor may also order blood tests to determine tumor markers. A high CA125 level may indicate that cancer has returned, which is why you need to wait until symptoms first. During this time, you can still undergo treatments, but you will need to be careful about the side effects.
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Although Primary Peritoneal Cancer is rare, it is not easy to spot. Fortunately, early diagnosis is crucial in the treatment process. It can be difficult to tell close family and friends that you have cancer. A five-year survival rate for ovarian cancer and fallopian tube cancer is close to 60 percent, and only 29 percent for primary peritoneal cancer. However, these statistics are based on small studies, and some doctors may misdiagnose the cancer. One study of 29 women who had primary peritoneal cancer reported that their average survival time was 48 months.
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Some forms of primary peritoneal cancer are similar to other types of ovarian cancer, such as cystic collections of fluid, abdominal abscesses, and metastases to the peritoneum. Unlike ovarian cancer, however, primary peritoneal cancer is never staged as early as other types. Instead, it is classified as stage 3 or stage 4 at the time of diagnosis. If it has spread beyond the peritoneum, it may have invaded lymph nodes near the pelvis.
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People who have inherited certain genetic mutations that increase ovarian cancer risk are more likely to develop peritoneal cancer. Li-Fraumeni syndrome and Lynch syndrome are two common genetic mutations associated with a higher risk of peritoneal cancer. Although both are rare, the symptoms of these cancers are similar. A combination of genetic mutations, including BRCA, can increase your chances of developing peritoneal cancer.
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Detecting peritoneal cancer is difficult, particularly in the early stages of the disease, as symptoms often may be related to something else. Most cases are found during surgery to remove a previously diagnosed tumor. Your doctor will perform an examination and ask about your symptoms. Afterwards, he or she may order several imaging tests, including a CT scan or MRI. Your doctor may also perform an ultrasound of the abdomen, which uses sound waves to build a picture of the internal organs.
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While PPSC is not commonly diagnosed in the UK, research suggests that around 10% of women with cancer have primary peritoneal cancer. It is similar to ovarian cancer in that it affects the same tissues as the ovaries. While there is currently no specific cause of PPC, it has been associated with a gene called BRCA1/2. While the exact cause of primary peritoneal cancer is unknown, there is some evidence that it is associated with a greater risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
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Treatment for primary peritoneal cancer depends on the size and location of the tumor. Cytoreduction surgery, for example, improves survival by removing a portion of the cancer. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are typically removed, along with the uterus. Sometimes the cancer spreads throughout the omentum, which is a fatty layer of tissue surrounding the intestines. It is also possible to undergo chemotherapy before surgery.
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PPC can spread to the lungs, liver, or distant lymph nodes, including those in the neck. If it spreads, PPC can be treated surgically to remove as much of the cancer as possible. Surgery may include removal of the uterus, ovaries, and sheet of fatty tissue inside the abdomen. Surgical treatment is also often prescribed if the disease is in an advanced stage. For those who are unable to undergo surgery, palliative care can be used to alleviate symptoms.