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Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Prostate Cancer

While there are several Prostate Cancer symptoms, you may be missing out on one or more of them. In some cases, these symptoms are caused by a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH affects the prostate gland, a small organ located at the base of the bladder that surrounds the tube carrying urine, the urethra. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

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Early-stage cancer does not usually cause any symptoms. The early stages of this disease do not press against the urethra, and a man may not notice anything until it is advancing. Prostate cancer may also cause sudden urges to urinate before going to the toilet. But, once the disease has spread, treatment is necessary. Treatment will depend on the location of the tumor and its growth. If detected in time, a doctor can prescribe a treatment plan.

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Early detection is crucial for successful treatment of prostate cancer. During a routine physical exam, your doctor will check for areas that are tender or hard. These areas could be indicative of prostate cancer. A doctor may also order blood tests to check for high PSA levels or conduct a PCA3 test. If the PSA test shows abnormalities, your doctor may recommend a biopsy to determine the type and location of the cancer. The doctor will also assess the PSA level in your blood to help you choose the best treatment.

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The most common Prostate Cancer symptoms are erectile dysfunction and persistent or irregular urination. The prostate gland produces most of the fluid in a man's body, which helps him expel semen during ejaculation. However, some prostate cancers are aggressive and can spread rapidly to other parts of the body. Although the symptoms of the disease may be similar to other forms of cancer, they are very different from one another.

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When a patient experiences symptoms of prostate cancer, his physician will likely recommend a biopsy. Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor may recommend either an active surveillance (PSA) or observation. Active surveillance is a treatment method that focuses on monitoring the condition over time. It involves screenings every three years or less. This treatment option is a good option if your cancer is slow-growing or has not spread to other areas of the body.

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In addition to the physical symptoms of prostate cancer, men may experience other conditions. Usually, these conditions begin with changes in the DNA that tell cells to divide and grow more rapidly than normal. These abnormal cells continue to grow, while the normal cells would die. Consequently, the disease can be treated and the patient's life can be prolonged. Although it's not possible to cure the disease, advanced treatments may help manage the pain and discomfort.

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African-American men are more likely to develop prostate cancer than Caucasians. Several family members are diagnosed with the disease. The highest risk populations are African Americans and Hispanic men. However, people of other races have the lowest incidence rates. A high-fat diet and family history of prostate cancer also increase the risk. A PSA test is recommended for men to determine whether they have enlarged prostate glands. If the PSA test indicates a high level of the protein, a patient may need an ultrasound exam.

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The Gleason score is a classification used to categorize cancer cells. The higher the Gleason score, the more aggressive the cancer is. A patient with a Gleason score of 6 is considered low risk for prostate cancer. However, a Gleason score of seven or higher suggests that there may be cancer cells. If the PSA level is lower than the recommended level, he may still be safe for a few years.

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Treatment for prostate cancer often causes side effects such as erectile dysfunction. Some men may also experience urinary incontinence after surgery. Urinary incontinence is often treated with surgery or radiation therapy, and a man may be able to have a successful ejaculation. It is important to note that surgery and radiation treatment can affect the nerves involved in erection. While some side effects may require treatment, most men can easily cope with the side effects.


Treating Cancer

If you are dealing with cancer, I know exactly what to do. 

I have thirty years of experience with thousands of success stories. My successes were reported in many media outlets; in addition, medical professors and doctors also benefit from my services.

My unique capabilities, as well as the energetic systems I have developed over many years can help you too.


Are you suffering from oncological problem?

Is your body struggling to recover?

It is a sign that the energetic fields in your body are blocked.

For years, Oren Zarif proved that as the energy blockades open, the body begins to create a healing process and returns to its strength. Thousands of patients testify about that. Many of those patients had suffered from oncological problems.

Therefore, it is important to open the body's blocked energy field channels for those patients who suffer from oncological problems. Only then, the body can cope with the existing problems and create a self-healing process. 


With the unique method developed by Zarif over many years, and with his amazing capabilities, Zarif helped countless patients worldwide that had suffered from oncological problems

For 30 years Oren Zarif helped patients and sufferers around the globe who suffered from numerous and complicated problems

Oren Zarif became famous in all media channels in the country and worldwide throughout 30 years, among those channels: Sky News network, National Geographic and Fox network


If you are dealing with any kind of oncological condition, you have no reason to lose hope.

Leave your details here, and I will get back to you personally.

My treatment system receives custom approval procedures, and is delivered to each patient, anywhere around the globe.

The treatment is based on a completely energetic process, and is intended FOR EXTERNALUSE ONLY.

The reason that oncological conditions develop in the body stems from blockages in energetic channels, areas and conductors of the body.

Over many years, I have left even the most respected doctors, professors and scientists amazed, in front of my many successes with the most complicated 

oncological cases from around the world.

My successes had been reported through several worldwide media channels.