There are many different types of childhood cancers. The following information will give you a general overview. Cancers that start in the bone marrow are rare. The most common types are leukaemia and lymphoma. Lymphomas begin in the body's cells known as lymphocytes. They typically affect the lymph tissues and small glands. A child with either type can develop the symptoms of cancer.
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Diagnostic tests to rule out rare childhood tumors may include blood tests, lumbar puncture, a physical examination, and genetic testing. Pediatric oncologists may order other tests based on the diagnosis. The type of diagnostic procedure a child has may be determined by the doctor's findings and the patient's age and general health. Treatment options for pediatric cancers depend on the type of cancer, the age of the child, the location of the tumor, and how far the tumor has spread.
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Since rare childhood cancers are not common, there is very little available information about their biology. The European Union's definition of a rare disease includes all pediatric cancers, even those with no obvious symptoms. The European Cooperative Study Group for Pediatric Rare Tumors outlines specific criteria for rare childhood tumors. Most children develop this disease in their early childhood. In Europe, cancer is the second leading cause of death in children.
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Children with genetic changes are at increased risk for developing cancer. These changes are caused by DNA mutations in the child's germ cells. Children with Down syndrome are 10 to 20 times more likely to develop leukemia than non-diseased children. However, Down syndrome is linked to a relatively small percentage of childhood leukemia cases. These
children are treated with drugs that are not yet available for the general public.
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The treatments for childhood cancer are largely similar to those for other types. Treatment involves chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of these methods. Radiation therapy works by damaging the cancer cells while causing minimal damage. In some cases, the disease may even shrink. However, the treatment for rare cancers may not be available in clinical trials. This is why specialized medical care and participation in clinical trials is critical. There are many ways to help a child with cancer and these trials are an excellent way to help children with cancer.
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Other symptoms of childhood cancers may include bone pain, enlarged lymph nodes, and chronic cough. The child might also develop weight loss and weakness. The doctor will ask about these symptoms to determine if there is any type of cancer present. Symptoms may last for a few weeks, months, or years. In these cases, the child should be seen by their health care provider to make sure they are still well.
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Children may develop cancer in their eyes, including retinoblastoma. This cancer begins in the light-sensitive cells in the eye. Fortunately, children usually outgrow this disease within the first three years of life, and a recent study shows that there are between 50 and 70 new cases each year in the U.S. As for cancer in the brain and spinal cord, neuroblastoma is the second most common form of childhood cancer. Treatment for children with this cancer varies according to the type of tumor.
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Non-small cell lung cancer is rare among children. It affects approximately 400 children younger than 20 years old in the United States. Symptoms may include fever, weight loss, and joint pain. It can also spread to other bones in the body, including the lungs. A child suffering from osteosarcoma should be evaluated by a health care professional. While it is rare, it is important to seek diagnosis as early as possible. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
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A child with a mutation in the gene DICER1 may also develop a tumor in the lung. The symptoms may include a cough that does not get better, hoarseness, or shortness of breath. Some affected children may lose weight or suffer from fatigue and develop recurrent episodes of lung infections. The cancer will grow despite these symptoms. It is important to seek treatment for rare childhood cancers as early as possible.
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The risk of developing cancer is determined by the number of stem cell divisions an individual has during his or her lifetime. The genes involved in each division are randomly changed. These changes affect the likelihood of cancer growth. Although there is no specific genetic test for the disease, researchers have uncovered a strong correlation between the number of stem cell divisions and cancer risk. Rare cancers of childhood are more difficult to detect and receive less funding than more common cancers.