There are many symptoms of renal cell cancer. Symptoms can be vague or classic, and can range from a fever to bloody urine. A health care provider will gather information to make a proper diagnosis and rule out other conditions that might be causing the symptoms. Urologists are doctors who specialize in diseases of the urinary tract. Their symptoms and signs are specific to kidney and renal cancer and should be evaluated by a urologist to rule out other underlying causes.
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Treatment for renal cell cancer depends on the stage of the disease and the overall health of the patient. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, biological therapy, hormone therapy, targeted agents, and radiation therapy. For some patients, clinical trials may be indicated. Other therapies, such as radiation therapy, are available for those with advanced disease. Some patients are cured with a single therapy. If the cancer has not spread to other organs, surgery is the best option.
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The cancer may spread to surrounding tissue or large veins. It may also spread to distant organs, such as the heart, lungs, and brain. While doctors cannot predict the exact cause of the disease, it is possible to detect it early, making treatment more effective. Symptoms of renal cell cancer include:
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A kidney tumor is usually discovered during another examination. CT scans or ultrasounds may show it. While symptoms can vary, some common signs and symptoms include blood in urine, known as hematuria. The presence of blood in the urine can be microscopic or visible. Urine samples can detect small amounts of blood, which can be an indication of kidney cancer. Treatment for renal cell cancer will depend on the stage of the disease.
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The most common treatment for kidney cancer involves surgery. Surgical treatment includes a simple nephrectomy or a radical nephrectomy. Radiation therapy or arterial embolization are other options. These procedures are performed to shrink the tumor. The cancer cells that remain are destroyed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Adjuvant therapy may also be used. It helps prolong the patient's life and reduce the chances of recurrence.
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Imaging tests are another option. CT scans are like X-rays, but they show more detail. A CT scan also shows enlarged lymph nodes. Both of these diagnostic tests are highly expensive. MRIs are useful in detecting the disease and its spread. These tests are often done only if symptoms are severe enough to warrant further treatment. If your doctor suspects cancer, it is important to have the necessary tests.
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Diagnosis of renal cell cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the type of treatment, and the patient's overall health. Treatments for this disease vary widely and the best choice for you will depend on your individual circumstances. A lower stage of the disease means a better chance of survival. A kidney tumor that is contained within the kidney is the most likely to respond to treatment, but a tumor that has spread to other organs is likely to cause significant damage.
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Earlier diagnosis of renal cell cancer is crucial for the survival of a patient. If you notice symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Surgery can help protect your kidneys and reduce the severity of the symptoms. This will also minimize the need for additional treatments. A doctor can prescribe medications to help reduce the pain and discomfort that accompany this cancer. While surgery is not a cure, it can certainly make you feel better during the treatment process.
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While there are no immediate symptoms of kidney cancer, you should seek medical attention as soon as you notice blood in your urine. This is also known as hematuria. Surgery may be the treatment of choice for this type of cancer. However, if the cancer has spread, surgery will likely be necessary. The survival rate for this type of cancer is 90 to 95 percent, but in later stages, it is not uncommon for the patient to die of heart attacks or strokes.
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The severity of your symptoms will depend on the type of kidney cancer you have. Chemotherapy will shrink the tumor, but it won't be permanent. Chemotherapy drugs are usually given as single drugs or in combinations, and can cause nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and other symptoms. Chemotherapy may suppress the production of new blood cells and cause fatigue, anemia, and easy bruising. Symptoms of renal cell cancer may not appear immediately, but they will be present for some time.