It's important to know the signs of renal cell cancer. The early stages of the disease offer more chances of successful treatment. If detected early, you can receive aggressive treatment that will kill off the cancer in its early stages. To learn more about the symptoms of this disease, read on! Here are some tips to spot these signs. If you experience any of them, contact your doctor for an immediate diagnosis. Also, make sure to check for any of the other symptoms listed above.
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When you have a kidney mass that is bigger than seven centimeters (2.3 inches), it may be indicative of renal cell carcinoma. These tumors may also involve nearby lymph nodes and large veins leading to the heart. They can also spread to distant organs. If your kidneys have cancerous cells, it's important to get screened for metastasis, which can make the symptoms of the disease worse.
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Before undergoing treatment, your doctor will conduct a physical exam and take blood tests. The aim of this test is to rule out other illnesses and to assess your overall health. Blood tests include blood cell counts, liver and kidney function, chemistry, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and prothrombin time (APT) tests are also performed.
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While there is no standard test for early detection of renal cell cancer, early detection and treatment may improve your chances of survival. Treatment for kidney cancer depends on the stage of the disease and how advanced it is. While treatments are not perfect, they can ease pain and improve the quality of life. When you have any signs of the disease, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will recommend the best course of treatment, based on your unique case.
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Treatment for renal cell cancer includes targeted chemotherapy and immunotherapy. During chemotherapy, strong drugs are given to kill cancer cells. Though chemotherapy has limited effects, it can shrink the tumor, and can lead to remission. Unfortunately, remission does not last for long. The drug drugs are either given singly or in combination. Chemotherapy causes nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and hair loss. In addition, chemotherapy suppresses the production of new blood cells, resulting in anemia and fatigue. Patients who receive chemotherapy have an increased risk of bruising and bleeding.
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Treatment options for renal cell cancer are based on the stage of the disease and the overall condition of the patient. The earlier a tumor is detected, the better the chance of cure. If the tumor is contained within the kidney, it is considered early stage cancer. About 63% of cases of kidney cancer are caught in their early stages. Even so, there is no guarantee that the cancer won't spread, so it's critical to stay on top of your treatment regimen.
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Surgery for kidney cancer is often the first treatment option. The surgeon will remove part or all of the tumor and surrounding tissue. Sometimes, the cancer is large enough to require the removal of the entire kidney. However, this treatment is painful and can lead to fevers. If a patient is unwell or frail, surgery is unlikely. Other treatments are available to shrink the tumor. An invasive procedure called embolization can also be performed, which blocks blood flow to the kidney.
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While radiation is a common treatment for kidney cancer, it is not the best option for this disease. Radiation therapy works by killing cancer cells that have spread beyond the kidney and can't be removed by surgery. However, it's effective for certain patients and helps to ease their symptoms. For others, it's important to discuss innovative clinical trials with your doctor before making a final decision. If possible, discuss innovative treatments for kidney cancer with your doctor.
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If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away. Often, the signs of renal cell cancer include fever and hematuria. A palpable mass on the flanks can also indicate the condition. If you suspect you have this type of cancer, a CT or MRI may help diagnose the condition. If the cancer is detected early, treatment options include surgery. If the cancer has spread to the lung or other organs, treatment options may include chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
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The main symptom of kidney tumors is a noticeable lump in the kidney, which usually is low in the abdomen or back. It may also be in the rib cage or side. Blood in the urine, called hematuria, may also be present. Blood in the urine can be microscopic or visible, and urine tests can detect very small amounts of blood. A doctor will also want to check for signs of hematuria and urinary incontinence.