Retinoblastoma symptoms are similar to those of any other type of cancer, and a child diagnosed with this condition will show many of the same symptoms. A child may also have trouble seeing in certain areas, fall more frequently, or bump into things. They may also have trouble moving around the house, and may bring objects closer to their face to see more clearly. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to get a checkup with a doctor.
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Retinoblastoma can spread to other parts of the eye and affect the function of vision. If detected in an early stage, it is curable, but if left untreated, it can spread to distant parts of the body and cause blindness. In later stages, treatment may require surgery or chemotherapy. Clinical trials are an option if the cancer spreads. To see if you have retinoblastoma, call your doctor today.
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One of the most common types of retinoblastoma is unilateral. In this case, there is no known cause, but it's hereditary in most cases. Hereditary cases are often more aggressive than those with acquired cases, and patients with hereditary retinoblastoma are more likely to develop other forms of cancer. In some cases, the tumors will develop in both eyes. In addition, the disease has a high incidence of childhood brain tumors and osteosarcoma.
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Retinoblastoma is an eye cancer that begins in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. While it usually affects young children under the age of two, it can occur in adults. Other symptoms include appetite loss, headache, and vomiting. It's possible to diagnose this disease through general anesthesia. This condition can also spread unnoticed past age five, but this is rare.
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Other Retinoblastoma symptom is a white pupil. This is called strabismus, and it's the second most common retinoblastoma symptom. It can also result in problems with alignment and symmetry of the eyes. It's important to seek medical attention for these symptoms, as the tumor can severely affect a child's vision.
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Treatments for retinoblastoma include chemotherapy to destroy any remaining cancer cells. Drugs used in this treatment may include carboplatin, etoposide (VP-16), vincristine, and doxorubicin. Some patients may be prescribed both chemotherapy medicines and immunotherapy. The most effective treatment for this condition involves a combination of these treatments. The drugs may have side effects, including swelling of the eyelid, bleeding in the eye, and damage to the artery.
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Treatment for retinoblastoma involves chemotherapy treatments, which send chemicals through the body to shrink the tumor. These drugs may be delivered through blood vessels or pills to target the cancer cells. Other treatments, such as laser therapy, are also available. If the cancer has spread beyond the eyeball, the eye may have to be removed. The disease can lead to a loss of vision or spread to other parts of the body, making it potentially life-threatening.
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Retinoblastoma can also cause white pupil when light shines into the eye. Patients with these symptoms should have their eye examined by a doctor as soon as possible. However, it is important to note that these symptoms may be associated with other diseases of the eye, such as macular degeneration or cataracts. You must also visit your pediatric eye doctor to have your child tested for retinoblastoma if you suspect these symptoms.
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Symptoms of retinoblastoma may occur in both eyes at different times. If a tumor has spread beyond the eye, the prognosis will depend on the location and size of the tumor. Treatment options will depend on whether the cancer has spread or not, and whether the disease has metastasized. During the first year of life, doctors recommend multiple eye exams to monitor tumors in both eyes. By getting regular eye exams, the cancer will be detected early and treatment will be less intense.