The symptoms of retinoblastoma include white pupil, blurred vision, and a yellowish or white tint to the eyes. These symptoms may be caused by a variety of conditions. Symptoms of retinoblastoma should be evaluated by a doctor. Fortunately, many treatments are available for this cancer. Listed below are some of the most common treatments for retinoblastoma.
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Hereditary retinoblastoma is hereditary. The mutation in a gene prevents the body from producing certain proteins. These proteins control cell growth and development, and without them, too many cells can form in one area. The condition affects one out of every four children. However, in some cases, the disease is acquired by chance. Retinoblastoma may develop outside the eye, including osteosarcoma or aggressive skin cancer.
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Retinoblastoma is a rare childhood cancer of the eye that affects the retina, the nerve tissue behind the eye. The retina is a sensitive part of the eye that receives images from light. It is usually diagnosed before the child reaches the age of two and rarely spreads to other parts of the body. Symptoms of retinoblastoma include the following:
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The progression of the disease is determined by the stage of the cancer. If the cancer has spread beyond the eye, it may be found in the eye's surrounding tissues, or in the central nervous system. Extraocular retinoblastoma may spread to distant areas of the body such as the liver or central nervous system. Treatment will depend on where the tumor is located. If it has spread to distant parts of the body, the disease can be refractory to treatment.
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Retinoblastoma symptoms may include the presence of a white pupil, also called cat's eye reflex. However, this condition is not always an indication of retinoblastoma, and it is vital to have the eyes checked by an ophthalmologist. A child with this condition may also exhibit irregular eye alignment, resulting in a yellowish-white pupil, which can be difficult to distinguish from red-eye effect.
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A physical examination will check for general signs of health and abnormalities. The doctor will ask you about your family history and your health history. Eye examinations may include eye drops to open the pupil. This allows the doctor to examine the retina and optic nerve. Young children may require anaesthesia during these examinations. The doctor will also perform an electroretinogram, which detects the presence of abnormal nerve activity in the eye.
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Several blood tests are necessary to diagnose retinoblastoma. These tests may also determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. MRIs and CAT scans can be used to determine whether retinoblastoma has spread elsewhere in the body. Some tests may be performed when the child begins treatment for the condition. If the symptoms of retinoblastoma persist, the child may need to undergo chemotherapy or other treatments.
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Treatments for retinoblastoma may involve intravitreal chemotherapy (IVCT), which involves the injection of anticancer drugs into the vitreous humor (VH). Another treatment option is intravenous chemotherapy, which involves injecting the drugs directly into the spinal cord or cerebrospinal fluid. It may also involve the use of lasers to treat the tumor. However, the most common treatment for retinoblastoma is surgery.
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Retinoblastoma is a hereditary condition, and doctors recommend multiple eye exams in children with the disease. Tumors may develop in one or both eyes, but it is best to undergo a comprehensive eye exam to be sure. This will help your child avoid other eye problems and death. In the case of hereditary retinoblastoma, you should begin treatment for retinoblastoma early.
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Another common retinoblastoma symptom is vision loss. Children with this condition may have trouble moving around and bumping into objects. They may also have difficulty with moving around the house and may bring things close to their face to see them better. If your child experiences any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor right away. He or she may recommend different treatment options based on the stage of the disease, the risks of side effects, and the child's risk of developing cancer.
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A retinoblastoma tumor usually starts in one eye and may spread to other parts of the eye. If this happens, the tumor will block the fluid flow in the eye, resulting in increased pressure in the eye and loss of vision. Early detection and treatment is critical because retinoblastoma is curable only if it has not spread to other areas of the body.