Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the retina. Patients with this cancer may have symptoms in any of their eyes. They may have a white pupil, blurred vision, or strabismus, or an abnormal movement of their eyes. A doctor will examine the eyes and draw or take a photograph of the eye to confirm the presence of tumors. Other tests may also be necessary.
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During the initial examination, your doctor will determine the size and location of the tumor. If you have multiple tumors, they may form into a single mass. If they are small, they may be staged as intraocular retinoblastoma, while larger, diffused retinoblastoma is called extraocular retinoblastomoma.
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The eye has a complex nervous system, which includes the retina. The retina is a thin, lining in the back of the eye, which senses light and forms images. The retina is a critical part of the eye because without it, you wouldn't be able to see clearly. Because retinal tumors grow rapidly, it can cause permanent damage to the retina. The tumor is typically located in only one eye, but some may have two or three.
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A doctor can make a visual diagnosis of retinoblastoma by using a specialized exam called fundoscopic eye imaging. During this procedure, a small child may not cooperate during the exam. The doctor may use anesthesia to minimize movement and ensure the safety of the patient. A doctor will also be able to see retinal abnormalities and an abnormal mass. So, if you have any symptoms of this disease, it is important to see your doctor immediately.
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Surgery is another treatment option for retinoblastoma. Surgery involves the removal of the eyeball and parts of the optic nerve, and in some cases, it can also result in vision loss. The surgery is typically performed under anesthesia, and the child is then fitted with an artificial eye. The results of the surgery vary from one patient to another, but all patients will benefit from this treatment.
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Treatment options for retinoblastoma will depend on the location of the cancer and how it has spread. Treatment for this cancer may include intravitreal chemotherapy, in which anticancer drugs are injected directly into the vitreous humor. An alternative form of chemotherapy is intrathecal chemotherapy, which involves injecting anticancer drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid. External-beam radiation therapy uses a machine that is outside the body to deliver radiation.
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One of the most common Retinoblastoma symptom is a white pupil. This is also known as cat's eye, and it is not necessarily a sign of the disease. Your doctor should perform a complete examination to make a proper diagnosis. Crossed eyes are another symptom. These eyes may turn toward the nose or ear. If you have any of these symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
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Chemotherapy is an effective method for treating retinoblastoma. Chemotherapy is a type of drug therapy that kills cancer cells. It can be given systemically, through an injection, or through a vein. It can shrink a tumor before other treatments can begin. It may be used after an eye removal. For brain tumors, intrathecal chemotherapy is used.
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Often, doctors will detect retinoblastoma by looking in the eye with a special instrument. This disease occurs in about 2% of all children under the age of five and is curable in nine out of 10 cases. The disease usually occurs in both eyes. Almost half of children with this cancer develop it during their early childhood, although it may not develop until the child is around five years old.
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After diagnosis, chemotherapy will be given to the child. This treatment will depend on the extent of the cancer and where it has spread. It is more difficult to treat retinoblastoma once it has spread outside the eye. However, if the tumor is detected at an early stage, treatment may improve. It may also be possible to detect the disease early through screening, which may reduce the risks of future spread.
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A doctor will perform a thorough ophthalmic examination to rule out a hereditary form of retinoblastoma. During the ophthalmic examination, an MRI or ultrasound will determine the presence of retinoblastoma. If you suspect your child has the disease, you should avoid smoking. This increases your child's risk of developing a second cancer, so you should encourage him or her not to smoke. Your healthcare provider will also tell you how often your child should visit the eye.