While the most common Salivary Gland Cancer symptoms are a lump or swelling, they are not necessarily the same as the disease itself. The vast majority of these tumors are benign, though rare cancers can affect the glands. A physical examination, MRI or CT scan, or biopsy can identify a tumor in the salivary glands. Tumors in this gland are usually small and painless, and stage I cancers are less than two centimeters in size. Stage II cancers range between two to four centimeters in size.
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The tumor size and location are also used to grade Salivary Gland Cancer. Stage one tumors are small and have not spread to other areas. Stage two tumors are large, and have spread to the lymph nodes and surrounding tissues. Stage three tumors have spread to other parts of the body. Stages one and two of this disease are similar. However, in stage three tumors are larger than four centimeters in size and have spread to lymph nodes or other organs.
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Though there is no known cause for Salivary Gland Cancer, it is linked to radiation therapy and older adults. Some occupational positions are also associated with a higher risk for this disease. Fortunately, if caught early, the outlook for survival is good. While Salivary Gland Cancer is a serious disease, early diagnosis is crucial for patients' health. If you suspect you have the disease, see a doctor. If you have the symptoms of Salivary Gland Cancer, seek treatment immediately.
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When diagnosed early, treatment may include surgery or radiation therapy. Surgery is the most common treatment for salivary gland cancer. It may involve removal of the salivary gland or surrounding tissue. Treatment with chemotherapy and radiation is rare for this disease. The disease itself can be prevented by avoiding certain risk factors. By following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you may prevent this disease from spreading. This cancer will grow slowly in time and recur, so it is important to get treatment right away.
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Diagnosis for Salivary Gland Cancer is difficult and sometimes requires removal of the cancer itself. This is done by either needle biopsy or incision biopsy. A small piece of cancer is removed from the sore. Usually, this procedure is done under local anaesthesia. If the cancer is in the deep lobe of the parotid gland, the MRI will help identify the stage of the disease. If it has spread to the lymph nodes or nerves in the neck, chest radiographs may be necessary.
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It is important to know what symptoms of Salivary Gland Cancer include. In some cases, a patient will exhibit no symptoms at all. In others, the cancer may be found during a dental or physical exam. The most common locations for this type of cancer are the parotid glands (large salivary glands) in front of the ear. The other two pairs of salivary glands are located beneath the jawbone.
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There are two types of salivary glands: the major and the minor. The largest salivary glands are the parotid glands and submandibular glands. Most tumors in these glands are benign, but some are malignant. A small proportion of these tumors, called minor salivary glands, are located below the jaw. The other two types of salivary glands are the sublingual glands. Although these types of salivary glands are small and less frequently develop cancers, they are not unheard of.
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When a person has cancer in the salivary glands, the first symptoms may be swelling in the chin area or a lump beneath the jaw. There may be no symptoms, although the patient may experience unusual pain or swelling in the chin area or jaw. A biopsy may be required to diagnose the condition. A doctor will be able to identify the exact location of the tumor. A biopsy will be necessary to detect the disease.
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Surgical treatment of this type of disease focuses on removing the affected salivary glands. This treatment is called parotidectomy. It removes the largest salivary gland. Surgery can be tricky, however, as the tumor may be benign. Radiation therapy can cause side effects in the affected area. If you're concerned, your doctor may refer you to a specialist to discuss your condition. The multidisciplinary team will discuss the most appropriate treatment options, and your condition will be assessed.