A dentist may notice that you have swelling or lumps in your salivary glands. While many salivary gland tumors are benign, a physical examination is necessary to determine if a condition is present. If it is, a doctor may order a CT scan, MRI, or biopsy to determine its location and extent of spread. Symptoms of salivary gland cancer can range in size from a few millimeters to a few inches.
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The second most common type of salivary gland neoplasm is called Warthin's tumour and accounts for six to 10 percent of all parotid tumours. It is uncommon in other glands. This type of cancer is most common in women, with men developing it in their sixth and seventh decades. It can also spread to nearby structures such as the lymph nodes. The disease is usually treatable if detected early.
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Symptoms of salivary gland cancer include a firm neck lump, swelling, or pain. The lump may also be tender on one side of the face, and you may have difficulty opening your mouth. These symptoms are not indicative of cancer, as many other conditions can cause similar symptoms. However, you should visit a doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. If your doctor determines that you have cancer, treatment will depend on the type of disease and its location.
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A doctor will recommend a specific treatment for salivary gland cancer based on your symptoms and the stage of the disease. A multidisciplinary team of experts will develop a treatment plan for you. This multidisciplinary team will consider your personal health history, age, and the size of the tumor. If the tumor is malignant, surgery is the first line of defense. If there are nearby lymph nodes, surgery will remove those as well. Sometimes reconstructive surgery is performed concurrently with primary surgery to give you the most cosmetic results.
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While the exact cause of salivary gland cancer is unknown, it is more common in older adults, men, and people who have had radiation therapy. Salivary gland cancer has a favorable outlook for treatment if detected and treated early. However, early detection is crucial, as a cure for salivary gland cancer is highly unlikely. Symptoms of salivary gland cancer may include changes in the mouth, neck, or throat.
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The main types of salivary glands are the parotid and submandibular. The latter are located beneath the jaw and deliver saliva to the mouth and throat. Ten to twenty percent of these tumors are malignant. If you have swelling in any of these areas, you should visit a doctor. A biopsy will determine the type of cancer present in your mouth and provide additional information about the disease's progress.
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Surgical treatment is the most common treatment for salivary gland cancer. The surgery may involve the removal of the affected salivary gland and lymph nodes. If the cancer is not threatening nearby tissue, radiation therapy may be used. It may also be combined with chemotherapy or surgery, depending on the stage of the disease. However, if you suspect you have salivary gland cancer, it is essential to consult a doctor immediately.
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Doctors recommend having a biopsy if they suspect a tumor has spread beyond the salivary gland. If a lump is large, the doctor may remove it surgically. Other doctors will also remove the affected lymph nodes. It is important to note that the lymphatic system carries white blood cells that fight infection throughout the body. Cancer cells can easily spread to distant organs. Once cancer has spread from salivary glands, it can easily spread to other parts of the body.
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In most cases, salivary gland cancers develop in the parotid glands, which are glands that contain lymph nodes and immune system glands. The exact location and size of the cancer determine the symptoms. Treatment for salivary gland cancer depends on where the tumor has spread and the type of cancer. Once the tumor is detected, the affected gland may need surgery, radiation therapy, or additional treatments.
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A PDQ report summarizes current treatment information on adult salivary gland cancer. The summary aims to guide patients and their families. It does not contain formal guidelines, however. If you are seeking the best treatment for salivary gland cancer, you should talk to your doctor. A medical professional can explain the benefits of dietary supplements and other treatments to you. You may also be interested in participating in clinical trials. A medical team at Mount Sinai can provide guidance on the best treatment for your specific cancer.