You may have experienced any of these symptoms of salivary gland cancer, or none at all. If you aren't experiencing any of these symptoms, then it's most likely that you have another medical problem. For instance, you might have a facial muscle paralysis that is completely unrelated to salivary gland cancer. Your dentist can help you determine if there's a problem by monitoring your salivary glands.
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Diagnosing Salivary Gland Cancer is not an easy process. A biopsy requires the removal of a small portion of the cancer to determine its exact location. Two common methods of salivary gland cancer diagnosis are needle biopsy and incision biopsy. Incision biopsy is the most common, since a small piece of cancer is removed through a sore in the mouth. This procedure is done under local anaesthesia and does not involve surgery.
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There are hundreds of salivary glands, including sublingual and supralingual glands. Each gland is microscopic, and tumors are uncommon. Tumors on these glands tend to be cancerous, and they usually start in the palate. There are some risk factors for developing salivary gland cancer, but no definitive research has been done. However, exposure to certain substances and radiation is a significant risk factor. However, this cancer is rare and should be treated immediately.
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Radiation therapy, certain metals, and age are all known factors that increase the risk for salivary gland cancer. It is also found to occur more often in men and older adults than in women. Men and women who worked in certain industries and had high levels of exposure to radiation therapy are also at a higher risk. But there are still a variety of other causes of salivary gland cancer. Early detection and treatment can drastically improve your chances of survival.
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Treatment for salivary gland cancer may include surgery. A salivary gland tumor can be removed through surgery, along with any surrounding healthy tissue. The procedure may also include removal of lymph nodes. In addition, radiation therapy may be used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. This will reduce the chance of the disease returning. Patients may be eligible to enroll in clinical trials if they are diagnosed with salivary gland cancer. While these studies are not official guidelines, they are a good resource for anyone looking for additional information.
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In addition to the symptoms listed above, you should also be aware of your 5-year survival rate. This is the estimated chance of survival once you have been diagnosed with salivary gland cancer. However, the survival rate depends on the stage of your cancer. When it is stage two or three, you can expect an average of 95% survival rate. And if you do develop stage four, your chances of survival are only a little lower.
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The first step is to determine if the swelling around your chin is cancer. If this is the case, a salivary gland biopsy can help confirm the diagnosis. If you do find a tumor, you may have a noncancerous mass in the salivary gland. If the mass is noncancerous, the treatment will involve either surgery or antibiotics. If the mass is cancerous, surgery may be necessary to remove it.
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Other salivary gland cancers include adenomas, pleomorphic adenomas, and acinic cell carcinomas. While most of these are benign, some may be malignant. Most of them grow in the parotid gland, the most common. Pleomorphic adenomas begin in the parotid gland, but may also be found in the submandibular and minor salivary glands. Another type of parotid tumor is called Warthin's tumor, and it is more common in older men than in women.
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Other symptoms of salivary gland cancer include swelling, numbness, and weakness of the jaw. In some cases, salivary gland cancer can be caused by a variety of different medical conditions. However, the symptoms of salivary gland cancer are not always easily detected. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. And remember, a salivary gland cancer diagnosis requires an examination by a physician.
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You can seek treatment for salivary gland cancer at a reputable institution. Johns Hopkins specialists work closely with patients through their entire cancer journey to find the best treatment. Surgery is often the primary treatment for malignant tumors. Parotidectomy may be performed to remove small or medium-sized tumors. For larger tumors, surgery may be combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If the tumor is malignant, further treatment may be necessary.