There are many signs and symptoms of Ependymoma in childhood. It is important to note that these symptoms are not always associated with the underlying condition. They can be caused by other medical conditions. The following are some common signs and symptoms of Ependymomas. If you have noticed any of these symptoms, please contact your doctor immediately. You may need to undergo additional tests, depending on your child's particular circumstances.
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Early diagnosis is important to ensure a full and accurate diagnosis. There are certain inherited cancer syndromes that increase the risk of developing ependymoma in childhood. While not all children with a genetic risk for the disease will develop a brain tumour, symptoms like headaches and listlessness may indicate an underlying problem. Some children with ependymomas will not meet developmental milestones and have difficulty concentrating. If they do survive the condition, they are at risk for problems with their spinal cord and brain.
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If your child has ependymoma in childhood, a specialist can perform surgery and monitor the tumour over time. This procedure can often remove the tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue. After the tumor is removed, your child will need regular MRI scans to determine if it has returned. Your child will also be monitored for recurrence. If your child has any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor immediately.
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In addition to the symptoms listed above, you should be aware of inherited family cancer syndromes. Although this increases the risk of developing ependymoma in childhood, it is not inevitable in every case. Symptoms of this type of tumor include vomiting, nausea, listlessness, and problems with balance. Some children with ependymoma may experience delayed development or growth.
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The most common symptoms of this type of cancer in children are headaches, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, a child may not meet developmental milestones or be able to concentrate. If the tumor is in the spinal cord, it can affect a child's bowel and urination. If it is found in a spinal cord, a child may experience problems with their vision, balance, and coordination.
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An increase in pressure in the skull is the most common symptom of this type of tumor. It is common to experience headaches, listlessness, and vomiting, and may affect a child's ability to focus and grow. In severe cases, the tumour may be in the spinal cord and cause problems with the child's balance and vision. In some cases, ependymoma in childhood is life threatening.
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Children with ependymoma may develop symptoms including headaches, nausea, and listlessness. If the tumour is in the skull, the child may experience back pain and swollen fontanelle. In addition, ependymomas in the spinal cord can cause problems with the brain. In many cases, it is necessary to seek treatment early to ensure that the child's health is not affected.
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There are no specific symptoms of ependymoma in children. However, there are several signs and symptoms associated with this condition. Most commonly, the child will experience vomiting, nausea, and decreased growth. They may also have problems with balance and developmental delays. These signs are not related to the presence of a tumor. If the child is suffering from an ependymoma, you should seek immediate medical attention.
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Some symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include headaches, nausea, and listlessness. Young infants with ependymoma may also have an increasing head circumference and a swollen fontanelle. Similarly, children with ependymomoma in their spinal cord might experience back pain and have difficulty controlling bowels and urination.
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Children with ependymoma in childhood often experience symptoms that resemble other conditions. A pediatrician should be consulted for the best treatment options for your child. The best treatment options for ependymoma can help to relieve the symptoms associated with the condition. If your child is experiencing any of these signs, you should contact your doctor right away.