The symptoms of Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor may vary according to the type and location of the tumor. Treatment is based on the type and stage of the tumor. Most cases of the disease will respond to high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. The initial diagnosis of the cancer is based on the patient's age and the location of the tumor. However, relapses are possible even in the absence of treatment.
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The majority of extracranial germ cell tumors develop during early childhood and occur outside the testicles and ovaries. The midline is the most common location for this tumor. It is located between the lungs and the heart. Children and teens with these tumors tend to have a poor prognosis. Occasionally, they may develop symptoms. The prognosis of this disease is poor.
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The treatment of extracranial germ cell tumors varies depending on the type of extracranial germ cell tumor. Some treatments are standard, while others are being studied in clinical trials. These studies are primarily conducted to improve cancer treatment and to collect information about new treatments. If one of the new therapies proves to be effective, it may eventually become standard. There are a few things you should know about the treatment of this disease.
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Several studies have been conducted to improve our understanding of this disease. PDQ, the National Cancer Institute's service for cancer information, is a good resource. This service summarizes the latest research on the treatment of extragonadal germ cell tumors and is not an official NCI policy statement. The PDQ summary has current information on the treatment of extracranial germ cell tumors. It is intended to be an informative resource, not to provide formal guidelines.
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The signs and symptoms of Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor vary depending on the type of the tumor and the location. A lump on the sacrum, coccyx, or testicles is common for tumours of the testicles. Some children will experience painless swelling in their testicles. Imaging tests for these tumours can help to determine the exact location of the tumour. The doctors may also use X-rays to assess the size and shape of the tumour.
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There are different treatments for extracranial germ cell tumors. Some of them are standard treatments. Some are clinical trials. These trials are designed to improve treatment and gather information about new drugs. If these studies show better results, they may become standard treatments. In addition to a biopsy, additional tests and procedures may be performed to determine the exact location and extent of the tumor. Some patients may be diagnosed with cancer of the head, but the majority of them will not have symptoms.
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Symptoms of Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor in children are similar to those of adults. The most common symptoms are pain in the sacrum and a lump in the coccyx. The testicular tumours in children are atypical and can be difficult to detect. The tumors are found in the sacrum, coccyx, and testicles. A physical examination and blood tests can be helpful in diagnosing this disease.
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Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor in children is a very rare type of cancer. It accounts for about three percent of all pediatric tumors and ten percent of teen tumors. The treatment for this cancer varies according to the type and location of the tumor and its location. It can be malignant or benign. If it affects a specific organ, it will most likely be named a gonadal germ cell tumor.
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In children with Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor, surgery can remove the tumor completely. In stage I, the tumor cells remain in the scrotum and are only detectable through a microscope. This type of cancer may spread to the spermatic cord. Surgical removal may be the only option in this case. The symptoms of Stage II extracranial Germ Cell in children can be asymptomatic and self-limiting condition.
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Fortunately, treatment for this cancer is generally available for children with this type of tumor. The prognosis of Extracranial Germ Cell Tumor in children is generally good, but it is important to consider the options. Some children have a benign form of this tumor. If this is the case, surgery will most likely be the only treatment for the disease. If the cancer is in the brain, it will be diagnosed after a biopsy has been performed.