In some instances, there are no visible symptoms at all. Thankfully, the National Institute of Health provides extensive information about the signs and symptoms of oral and lip cancer. However, it is still important to seek treatment as soon as you notice changes in your mouth or throat. The following are some of the main warning signs and symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer. These may also be the first signs of other diseases.
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These symptoms can be the result of many different types of conditions, including sinusitis and ear infections. If they persist or occur more than once, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor will perform a physical exam to look for signs and symptoms of mouth cancer, including the floor and roof of the mouth, the tongue, cheeks, and lymph nodes in the neck. Your doctor may also refer you to an ENT specialist to check on other areas in your mouth.
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If you have symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer, you should see a doctor immediately. This condition can be treated with treatment that aims to reduce the chances of spread. In some cases, the disease may spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body. When this happens, the cancer is known as metastasis, and the cells that make up the metastasis are the same as those in the primary tumor.
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The most common symptom of lip and oral cavity cancer is a sore throat. A sore throat is often an indication of another condition, so you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor will perform a thorough physical exam that will check the roof and floor of the mouth, the tongue, and the lymph nodes in the neck. If any of these symptoms are persistent, your doctor may recommend further testing and further diagnostic tests.
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Other symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer include a sore throat and earache. Those who have any of these symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Additionally, they should get a physical to rule out other conditions. If these symptoms are persistent, or occur more than once, it is important to see a doctor. The symptoms of the disease can last up to two weeks, so it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible.
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The most common symptom of lip and oral cavity cancer is a red or white patch in the mouth. The symptoms of this type of cancer will vary from patient to patient. They may last for two weeks, or they may be permanent. In some cases, a symptom will appear on one side and disappear in a few days. In most cases, the condition will go away by itself after two weeks.
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The cancer cells that cause these symptoms can spread to other parts of the body, including lymph nodes and bones. This is called metastasis and it means the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. As a result, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as you can. In some cases, you might not be aware of these symptoms until it has advanced. If you feel a swelling, consult a doctor and have a biopsy done.
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The most common signs of lip and oral cavity cancer are a white or red patch in the mouth. It is often difficult to determine if this is cancer or simply a symptom of an infection. During the first two weeks, the symptoms can last for two weeks. In the case of a lip or oral cavity cancer, the symptoms may last up to two months. If you notice the symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. The sooner the cancer is diagnosed, the better your chances of survival.
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The symptoms of lip and oral cavity cancer can last for a couple of weeks. If you notice a white or red patch in your mouth, it may be a sign of cancer. If you have any of these symptoms, you should visit a medical doctor as soon as possible. If you notice any of these signs, your doctor will refer you to a specialist who can diagnose the disease. You may even be able to determine the cause of the cancer.