The early stages of soft tissue sarcoma are often symptom-free, with the affected individual experiencing only a slow-growing, painless mass. However, as tumors grow and spread throughout the body, these symptoms may become noticeable. Some individuals experience pain and swelling in the affected areas, such as the arms and legs. Others experience blood in their stool. Swelling may occur in areas where tumors press against the lymphatic system. The cancer may also affect the skin.
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Early detection of soft tissue sarcoma is vital in order to provide effective treatment. Although early symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma are few, doctors can still make a diagnosis if they find the tumor has spread throughout the body. For this reason, a physician will perform a complete physical examination, including a physical examination, as well as an analysis of the patient's medical history.
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Treatment of soft tissue sarcoma may require a team of medical specialists. These medical specialists include radiation oncologists, pediatric oncologists, pathologists, and orthopedic surgeons. Psychosocial support is also necessary. Most patients require treatment from several different specialists, which can include a specialized nutritionist and psychotherapist. Depending on the specific type of soft tissue sarcoma, the treatment plan will likely depend on the type and location of the tumor.
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If your doctor finds a tumor, a biopsy is required. Further testing may be required. The biopsy will determine the precise location of the tumor and determine the stage of its development. Usually, the tumor is found in the muscle or fat tissue. In some instances, it may also spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. This process is called metastasis. It is important to know how to recognize symptoms and seek immediate medical attention.
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Early symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma may be difficult to detect because they do not show up until the cancer is far advanced. Depending on the location of the cancer, symptoms may be vague or nonexistent. It is crucial to see a doctor if you notice lumps that are growing in an area that has not previously been affected. When lumps become larger, they may cause pain, soreness, and difficulty breathing. The symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma are different in each person.
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Symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma may be similar to symptoms of other types of cancer. The name "soft tissue" refers to the supporting tissues of the body. These include muscle, fat, nerves, tendons, deep skin tissues, and the lining of joints. Sarcomas can arise in any part of the body, and account for one in every 100 cancers diagnosed in the UK.
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If you notice lumps on your body, it's important to seek medical advice immediately. Soft tissue sarcoma is a rare type of cancer. Treatment varies, depending on the type of tumor and its location. Treatment options vary, too, and include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Once diagnosed, soft tissue sarcoma may require a biopsy to confirm its cause. Once a biopsy is performed, treatment will depend on the tumor's size, location, and rate of growth.
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A mass in the leg or arm may be a sign of soft tissue sarcoma. The mass may be painless or may cause swelling. It can also cause pain. The lumps may be discolored or enlarging. Most people have no symptoms, but if a mass is pressing on a nerve, it may cause tingling or numbness. Symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma may also include any of the following:
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A biopsy can be performed to confirm the diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma in adults. A biopsy can be performed on a lump by removing a sample of tissue with a wide needle. Another type of biopsy is called an excisional biopsy. This method removes the entire lump. However, many masses are benign, and treatment depends on whether it is cancerous or not. The American Cancer Society lists 50 different types of soft tissue sarcoma.