Early in the disease, soft tissue sarcomas may not produce any symptoms. An affected person may simply notice a slow-growing, painless mass in the area. But once a tumor grows to a large size, it can cause pain. This pain may radiate to the arms and legs and be associated with bleeding in the stool. Additionally, swelling and pain can occur where tumors push against the lymph vessels. This cancer can also affect the skin.
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Most cases of soft tissue sarcoma originate in the abdomen or pelvis. Although aggressive types of the disease can grow anywhere in the body, they are more likely to spread to other organs, such as the lungs and liver. In addition to pain, patients may notice a mass or lump in their abdomen that may be related to the tumor. These tumors typically affect Caucasians aged ten to thirty. If they recur after treatment, they may become harder to treat.
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While soft tissue sarcomas may not have any early symptoms, a doctor can diagnose them once they grow to a large size. This is because there are few early signs of the cancer, and it may have spread to other areas of the body. However, patients should be evaluated by their doctor if they notice any unusual lumps or a lump that doesn't seem to be related to an organ.
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A person may be at risk for soft tissue sarcoma if they are exposed to certain types of radiation therapy or have a family history of the disease. This type of cancer can also occur if someone has a history of certain genetic diseases. For example, a person with a family history of von Recklinghausen disease may be more likely to develop soft tissue sarcomas. Moreover, some cancers can be linked to exposure to certain chemicals.
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Early symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma include a lump under the skin, which may grow over time. If the tumor grows to a large size, it may press on nearby structures and may even result in intestinal blockage. The tumor may also cause other symptoms, including blood in the stool or black tarry stools. There may also be pain, numbness, and trouble breathing. In the later stages, a patient may have severe pain, vomiting, or nausea.
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In most cases, a doctor may recommend a biopsy of the affected area. This biopsy may be done in a physician's office or in an operating room. The pathologist will review the sample to determine whether cancer is present or not. A mass may be benign, and imaging studies may be necessary to evaluate cancer spread to distant organs. The next step is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. When a mass is detected, the cancer is called a symptom and is treated accordingly.
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One important factor that distinguishes soft tissue sarcoma from other types of cancer is its complex karyotype. An individual's karyotype refers to the number of chromosomes in the body. Human cells contain pairs of chromosomes, and each chromosome is numbered one to 22. Males have two X chromosomes and females have two Y chromosomes. Having a complex karyotype means that a patient has several different variations in his or her chromosome makeup.
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Soft Tissue Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that develops in connective tissues, such as muscle, bones, fat, and lymph nodes. It can appear anywhere in the body, but most commonly develops in the thigh, arm, or pelvis. It can also spread through the bloodstream, forming a secondary cancer known as metastasis. While the symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma may vary, the symptoms can be similar. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical treatment to rule out any possible complications.
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Patients with early-stage cancer are often treated with surgical techniques to remove the tumor. A core needle biopsy is a common test for the cancer. This procedure involves a small incision to remove a sample of tumor tissue, which can be examined microscopically. These procedures are usually performed as an outpatient procedure and are safe for most patients. An incisional biopsy can be a less invasive and less painful option.