If you suspect that you have a squamous cell cancer, you should talk with your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you catch it, the better your chances are of recovering and avoiding its spread. While there is no cure for squamous cell skin cancer, treatments for it may be more effective. Here are some ways to spot the signs of a cancer.
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Squamous cell skin cancer is usually first noticed as an abnormal growth on the skin. The appearance of this type of cancer may be in the form of a wart, crusty spot, or ulcer. The appearance of a lump on the neck can also be a sign of this disease. For these reasons, it is best to consult a board-certified dermatologist.
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SCC is a type of skin cancer caused by mutations in DNA. DNA is the instructions that cells use to grow. When these mutations occur in squamous cells, the cancerous cells multiply uncontrollably and continue to grow. UV rays are a major cause of squamous cell cancer. Exposure to the sun causes the mutation of DNA in the skin's squamous cells.
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Chemotherapy is another treatment for squamous cell skin cancer. It works by harnessing the power of the immune system to destroy the cancer cells. Cemiplimab (r) is a drug that blocks PD-1, a checkpoint protein on T-cells. EGFR inhibitors may help patients with advanced squamous cell skin cancer. These drugs work in combination with other therapies to shrink the tumor.
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Squamous cell cancer is usually non-melanoma and is the second-most common type of non-melanoma skin cancer in the world. The primary risk factors are cumulative ultraviolet exposure and immunosuppression. Treatment may include nonsurgical removal, cryotherapy, chemotherapy or systemic radiation. Although squamous cell skin cancers are very treatable, it is best to seek medical attention as early as possible.
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Usually, a doctor will perform a biopsy to determine the presence of cancer cells. A biopsy involves removing a small section of the affected skin and sending it to a laboratory for testing. Patients with cSCC should be monitored monthly for signs of cancer and should limit their sun exposure during the hottest time of the day. If the cancer spreads into nearby lymph nodes or other tissues, it may have already spread.
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Squamous cell skin cancers often occur on exposed areas of the body, including the face and genitals. They are more common in sun-exposed areas, but can develop anywhere. It can also develop as a flat area with sores or scars. You may feel numbness or tingling in your skin. There are many symptoms of squamous cell skin cancer, including itching and soreness.
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Although it is common for people with fair skin to get squamous cell cancer, sun exposure is not the only cause. Other factors, such as immune system disorders, can increase your risk. Squamous cell cancer can affect anyone, regardless of gender or race. Fair skin has a lower level of pigment than darker skin, which provides less protection from ultraviolet radiation. Fair-skinned individuals and those with light eyes are more susceptible to this skin cancer.
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There are several different types of Squamous cell cancer. The most common is actinic keratosis, which is not cancer but often changes into squamous cell carcinoma. This condition is usually associated with light skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. Squamous cell carcinoma can be found on the face and in many places on the body. However, the symptoms of this disease are not immediately evident.
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If you suspect that you have SCC, you should visit your doctor immediately. Self-examination is recommended once a month and regular visits to your dermatologist are recommended. Early detection is crucial, because tumors may become bigger and spread more quickly. If you notice any new or changing skin changes, you should call your doctor right away. If you notice any moles, you should also visit your doctor.