The primary symptom of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a raised inflammatory breast mass that may develop into invasive cancer. About 30% to 50% of women with DCIS will develop this disease, usually in the same breast or the same region of the breast. In 80% of cases, DCIS is detected by a mammogram, which shows a dark shadowed area.
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This type of cancer develops from ducts that connect milk-producing structures, called lobules. This type of invasive tumor is difficult to remove during a lumpectomy or a quadrantectomy. A mammogram is required to confirm the diagnosis. A biopsy is performed to determine whether the condition is recurrent. The results of the biopsy are used to decide whether or not the patient should undergo treatment.
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A DCIS diagnosis is important in order to ensure that no more invasive treatments are necessary. Surgery to remove a tumor is the standard procedure. However, the breast cancer surgeon will need to see the patient in order to diagnose the condition. Patients with DCIS will not be able to use a mastectomy for several months. The surgery may require the removal of lymph nodes. Therefore, treatment options will depend on the extent of the cancer and the location of the DCIS.
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The treatment for DCIS varies for women with this cancer type. The procedure is a noninvasive breast cancer. It is detected during a mammogram. It is localized and can be removed without affecting the lymph nodes. Although the disease is not life threatening, it can increase the risk of developing invasive breast cancer in the future. Symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ are similar to those of other types of cancer.
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During a mammogram, doctors look for ductal cancer in situ. The disease is often detected during a mammogram. Moreover, it is a noninvasive form of breast cancer. Generally, DCIS is found only when a patient has an existing concern in their breast. Despite the fact that DCIS does not cause immediate symptoms, it should be treated as soon as possible to prevent the development of invasive cancer.
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A biopsy is the first step in the treatment for DCIS. It is used to confirm a diagnosis. It involves using needles to remove tissue samples from the breast. The results of the biopsy will help doctors determine the size of the tumor and the extent of its spread. The cancer can be detected at any stage, including early DCIS. In most cases, a breast tumor with DCIS will be removed by a lumpectomy.
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Symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ include: atypically shaped or opaque breast, asymmetrical size, and no visible signs of breast cancer. The doctor should be able to detect DCIS with a mammogram. She will also perform a biopsy of the lymph nodes. A biopsy of DCIS may also involve MRI or ultrasound. If it is DCIS, the doctor will perform a lumpectomy.
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The primary symptom of DCIS is an enlarged milk duct. The ducts connect the lobules, which produce milk, to the lining of the breast. A mammogram is not enough to diagnose DCIS. A doctor may use other diagnostic tests such as ultrasound or MRI to confirm the diagnosis. The doctors will also examine the lymph nodes and a breast MRI if DCIS is detected.
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In some cases, the cancer may have multiple sclerosis and/or other vascular diseases. In these cases, it may not be easy to distinguish between the two types, which are different types of cancer. A breast tumor may have the appearance of a duct or a lobule. A biopsy will determine which type is present in the body. In some cases, a tumor may be confined to one specific location.
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A ductal cancer in situ can be diagnosed by an ultrasound of the breast. A MRI will reveal the location and extent of cancer. A MRI is a useful way to diagnose DCIS. Besides ultrasound, the doctors will also need a physical exam. If DCIS is discovered, the tumor is usually located in the milk duct, not in the muscle of the bladder wall. In some cases, the duct may be in a stage that is too advanced for surgery.