While many women do not develop symptoms of ductal cancer until it has progressed to the stage of advanced disease, those who do should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The symptoms of ductal cancer are similar to those of other types of breast cancer. They can occur in any area of the body and can be easily detected via a mammogram or ultrasound. In order to determine the exact stage of the disease, several tests and procedures must be performed. It is important to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible after you have noticed any of the symptoms of DCIS. Remember to bring all previous medical documentation with you, including all chronic conditions and treatments you have undergone for breast and ovarian cancer, as well as your family history.
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Besides these symptoms, there are a number of factors that can indicate that a patient has ductal carcinoma in situ. The earliest symptom of the condition is the presence of multiple tumors within a single duct. These growths are often very large and are harder to remove with a traditional lumpectomy. Despite its name, ductal cancer in situ can have many causes, and is a serious disease.
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As with other types of cancer, the symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ vary depending on the grade of the disease. In high-grade cases, ductal carcinoma in situ is usually associated with a high mitotic rate and is more likely to recur after local surgery. In contrast, low-grade ductal cancer in-situ is less likely to recur after surgery.
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For patients with a high-grade ductal cancer, it is important to know that the disease does not always present symptoms. The majority of diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ occurs during routine screening tests designed to detect cancerous changes before the symptoms appear. The sooner this type of cancer is detected, the better the prognosis. Even though it is uncommon to experience any symptom, it is important to report any changes in your breast to your physician.
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As with most types of breast cancer, the symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ do not present any symptoms. For the most part, DCIS is diagnosed through a mammogram and physical exam. Those who experience unusual breast cancer symptoms should consult a doctor right away. While a physical examination is not sufficient to determine the presence of ductal carcinoma, it should be carried out by a trained professional.
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A mammogram is the first test to determine whether ductal carcinoma in situ is present. A mammogram can detect a high-grade DCIS in the breast. The next step is to undergo a biopsy. A mammogram can help a doctor diagnose the disease. Once a diagnosis is made, a biopsy is performed. The cancer is usually benign in DCIS.
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Because ductal carcinoma in situ is often undetectable, the symptoms of DCIS can be hard to detect. However, you can take some precautions to ensure a timely diagnosis. As with any type of breast cancer, you must follow your doctor's advice. A regular self-exam is important even in the early stages of DCIS. When the cancer is detected, you will be able to find a cure.
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While the symptoms of ductal cancer are often undetectable, a biopsy should be performed. During the procedure, you will receive a breast biopsy that will determine if you have ductal cancer. The doctor may also perform a surgical procedure to determine the location and stage of the cancer. The next step is to decide if you need a biopsy. You should see your doctor to ensure that your nipple is not affected by a disease.
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A doctor can perform a biopsy in order to confirm the presence of DCIS. During the biopsy, the doctor will note any signs of ductal carcinoma in situ. The symptom of a lump in the breast may be subtle or prominent. You may not experience any symptoms at all. A mammogram will also identify any invasive tumor in your breast. It will look like small white spots on the MRI.