If you have recently been diagnosed with DCIS, you may be wondering if you have cancer or whether you have a benign condition. Breast cancer is a scary diagnosis for anyone and coping with the symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is often the best way to deal with the situation. Although there are no specific symptoms of DCIS, you should consider the fact that your doctor will probably want to perform a lumpectomy in order to remove the tumor.
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The symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ may vary. While this type of cancer doesn't cause pain and can often be treated, it can lead to invasive breast cancer, which is more dangerous. About 30 percent of women with DCIS will develop invasive breast cancer.
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Unfortunately, most cases of ductal carcinoma in situ are not diagnosed until the disease has progressed to the point where treatment is necessary. Invasive cancer is usually found by mammograms, and in some cases, this is when the first symptom of ductal carcinoma in a small area of the breast is detected.
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The best way to detect DCIS is by having a mammogram. A mammogram will show the shadowy area of a tumor that will likely lead to an invasive cancer in the same breast as the DCIS. Depending on the location and size of the DCIS, it may also be treated with chemotherapy or targeted therapy. As long as you follow your doctor's orders, there are no immediate complications from Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.
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As ductal carcinoma in situ is often accompanied by invasive cancer, there are no definite symptoms of invasive cancer. In fact, up to 30% to 50% of women with DCIS will develop invasive cancer in the same breast. If you have DCIS, the chances of developing invasive cancer are very slim. Invasive cancer can develop in any breast. A mammogram is the only way to determine if you have DCIS.
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Although there are no symptoms of DCIS, it is important to visit your doctor if you notice any unusual changes in your breast. Most women with DCIS will eventually develop invasive cancer. It is often the case that the DCIS is in the same area as the invasive cancer. However, the symptoms can still be difficult to notice, which is why it is important to be screened as soon as possible.
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In some cases, the DCIS may lead to invasive cancer, so it is important to seek a medical evaluation. If you do have DCIS, you will want to get a mammogram to rule out other conditions that could be the cause. A mammogram will be able to detect DCIS in situ in about 80% of cases. The mammogram will show the DCIS as a shadowy area.
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DCIS is a type of cancer that is usually found in the early stages of DCIS. It's a type of cancer that is limited to the breast and cannot cause any symptoms. But it can still be dangerous, and it should not be overlooked. It is the most common type of breast cancer and the most common. If you have DCIS, you should visit a physician immediately to get a full diagnosis.
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If you have DCIS, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. This type of cancer can lead to invasive cancer. If you do not treat it, you can risk developing a malignant tumor in the same area as DCIS. If you have DCIS, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you find out, the better. There are many treatments available for DCIS.
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As with other types of cancer, DCIS is a sign of a more advanced stage. As with other types of cancer, it is important to get regular screenings. Those with DCIS are at risk of developing invasive disease, and 80% of women with DCIS will develop invasive cancer within the same breast and area. While the cause of DCIS is unknown, it is known to occur in women during their late thirties.