Symptoms of Embryonal Tumors are primarily related to the location of the tumor in the brain. These tumors are rare, and many have no symptoms. Treatments for these types of embryonal tumors typically involve surgery and chemotherapy. Although the treatment for this type of embryonal cancer varies greatly, the survival rate is usually high. The survival rate is also important to know, because it cannot predict the outcome of a child with this type of cancer.
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Patients diagnosed with this type of tumor may experience symptoms even before they are diagnosed with it. Some children may experience symptoms months before the tumor is detected. Some may continue for months or even years after the initial diagnosis. For these children, parents should discuss any signs or complications that their child might experience following treatment. Symptoms of this type of tumor vary depending on the location and type of tumor. Often, it is possible to diagnose the condition by simply examining the child's tumor.
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Symptoms of AT/RT can vary depending on where the tumor is located and whether or not it is causing obstructive symptoms. If the tumor has spread to the brain, the doctor will often perform surgery to remove it completely. In addition to surgery, patients may receive additional treatments. These can include radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The goal of treatment is to reduce the chances of the tumor returning.
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If your child's symptoms continue or get worse, your doctor may recommend a biopsy. This procedure, which is often performed after a surgical removal of the tumor, will reveal the type of cells present. If the tissue is not typical of an embryonal tumor, it may need to undergo a biopsy. A spinal tap is another option, which involves inserting a needle between the bones in the lower back. The cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal fluid is then tested. If abnormalities are found, your doctor will recommend a surgical procedure.
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The most common symptoms of an embryonal tumor are loss of balance, difficulty walking, and double vision. Some of the other symptoms of an embryonal tumor in the CNS are different depending on the location of the tumor and age. In infants, they may not be able to meet developmental milestones. While the symptoms of an embryonal tumor vary from one to another, they are common and can be very serious.
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Generally, a child with a tumor in the brain will be irritable. A physical examination will be performed, and blood tests will be performed to see if the tumor has spread to the spinal cord. A history of the child's health is also taken. If the pediatrician determines that an embryonal tumor is in the brain, the procedure can be used to remove it surgically.
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Embryonal tumors are a common cause of headaches, and should be checked by a medical professional. If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately to make sure you don't have any other medical conditions that may be affecting your health. During the initial stage, it is important to stay calm and be sure to listen to your child's parents.
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If you have an embryonal tumor in your child's brain, your doctor will most likely recommend a biopsy. It will be necessary to remove the entire tumor. If the imaging features don't look like those of an embryonal tumor, then biopsy is performed. This is an important part of diagnosis, and the pathology team will need to analyze the sample to identify the type of cells in the tissue.
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Some of the symptoms of this disease include double vision, trouble walking, and loss of balance. Other symptoms of this disease depend on the location and type of embryonal tumor in your child. Depending on the size of the tumor, your child may experience difficulty walking or waking up. He or she may also have difficulty with developing milestones. While these symptoms are not a sign of an embryonal tumor, they can be signs of a larger condition.
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Symptoms of Embryonal Tumors are very similar to those of other types of tumors in the brain and spinal cord. However, the symptoms of these conditions depend on where the tumor is located in the brain and what the child is experiencing. If the tumor is in the brain, it may affect the child's ability to see, and may cause other problems. It is important to seek medical attention immediately.