Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma can be very similar to normal childhood pains and injuries. A thorough physical examination and health history will help your doctor to properly diagnose the disease. Your doctor will then order blood tests to determine the presence of a tumor. A complete blood count will determine the number of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets in your blood. Lactate dehydrogenase will be measured to see if your cancer has spread throughout your body.
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A biopsy will reveal the presence of the cancer cells and may also indicate other types of cancer. A bone marrow aspiration/biopsy will take samples from the affected bone to examine them under a microscope. A blood test will also confirm the diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma. Your doctor will check your hemoglobin levels and perform a complete blood count to confirm the condition. If your physician detects the tumor, he will recommend treatment options.
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Depending on the type of Ewing sarcoma, a doctor will perform a variety of tests to detect the disease. The most common tests include MRI and computed tomography scans. The former is more sensitive than the latter, but both can reveal the presence of cancer cells. PET scans can also detect cancer cells by injecting a radioactive sugar into the vein. As these scans are very accurate, they can be used to confirm the presence of the disease.
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Another test for diagnosis is a biopsy of the tumor. The doctor will take samples of the tumor and examine them under a microscope. Then, a bone marrow aspiration/biopsy will be performed. This test will remove fluid from the bone marrow and test for the presence of the cancer. A genetic study is necessary to confirm a definitive diagnosis. This test is important in determining the stage of the disease.
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Your doctor may also perform an X-ray to confirm the presence of a tumor. If your child develops Ewing sarcoma, he or she will need to undergo several procedures. Your doctor will need to remove tumor tissue and conduct blood tests to ensure that the disease is the source of the tumor. The cancer cells are responsible for the appearance of symptoms of the condition. The tumors can be painful and cause infection.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma include weakness of the limbs and muscle atrophy in the area of the tumor. It is often mistaken for sports injuries or bumps and bruises. The disease can also affect your child's ability to perform routine tasks. If you suspect the presence of Ewing sarcoma in your child, contact your pediatrician right away. He or she will be able to determine the exact cause of the symptoms.
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A biopsy is performed to determine whether your child has Ewing sarcoma. A needle is used to obtain the tumor tissue. Your doctor may perform a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. A needle is used to remove the bone and marrow. The results will be studied under a microscope. Your doctor may prescribe chemotherapy. It will kill the cancer cells in your body. In some cases, surgery is the only treatment needed.
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X-rays are a common diagnostic tool to detect Ewing sarcoma. X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal organs and tissues. Nuclear imaging methods such as bone scans are used to identify cancer and check for other conditions. The scans will be able to pinpoint the location of the tumor in the body and determine the specific treatment. Once the condition has been diagnosed, chemotherapy is administered to treat the symptoms.
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To confirm the diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma, a doctor will conduct imaging tests and blood tests to determine the extent of the tumor. X-rays will show the presence of the tumor and may reveal other symptoms of Ewing sarcoma. A bone scan will also determine if your tumor has spread to other areas of your body. If the tumor has spread to other parts of your body, your doctor will use chemotherapy after radiation therapy or surgery.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma are different from person to person. The most common symptom is pain in the area of the tumor. This pain may be worse at night or when the patient is exercising. If the tumor has spread to soft tissue, this pain may be mistaken for a regression in toileting or a weakened bone. If the cancer has spread to nerves, it will likely be detected by a spinal tap.