Most men are not aware of the symptoms of male breast cancer until they've been diagnosed. A hard mass over the affected breast with a discharge coming from the nipple is the most common sign of breast cancer in men. Although the affected breast may look different than the nipple, this lump may be painful or itchy. The mass may be attached to the underlying tissues or muscles or be loosely attached to the skin. The skin may be puckered or dimpling.
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A lump in the breast is usually the first symptom. A thickened, hard, swollen nipple is often indicative of male breast cancer. This lump can be painless or it can be accompanied by other changes in the skin or nipple. Some men experience changes to their nipples and skin that might be signs of cancer. It is also common to have a family history of breast cancer, so if you suspect any of these signs, you should go to the doctor for further evaluation.
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Surgical treatment may be necessary to treat the condition. A biopsy is a procedure used to test the tissue for cancer cells. A needle is inserted into the affected area to remove a sample. The sample is sent to a lab for analysis. If cancer cells are found, a diagnosis can be made. In many cases, a mastectomy will be required. If the breast tissue is small, a fusion of the two will be used.
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The most common male breast cancer symptoms are a lump or thickening of the skin. These are not necessarily indicative of cancer, but they should be taken seriously. In some cases, it may be a symptom of another disease. If you notice any changes to your breast, see your doctor immediately. A medical professional can perform a number of diagnostic tests to determine the extent of the cancer, which will then determine if you have a tumor or a lump.
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Unlike women, men usually develop breast cancer at an older age. In addition to being estrogen-receptive, male breast cancer is associated with BRCA2 gene mutation. Symptoms of male breast cancer are similar to those of female breast cancer, which means that a lump in the male breast is a sign of a tumor. If you feel that something is wrong, don't wait. The cancer will spread to other parts of the body and may be difficult to diagnose without proper diagnosis.
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While male breast cancer is rare, it is a very real symptom of the disease. A breast tumor can be a symptom of a larger-than-normal breast. It may also be related to the hormones responsible for the swelling. If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be a sign of cancer. While the symptoms of male breast cancer are similar to those of female breast cancer, it's important to seek a medical professional's attention if you suspect a lump in your chest.
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A lump in the chest that is larger than the nipple is a sign of cancer. The nipple may be inverted. In addition to these symptoms, you may also experience an inverted nipple. Other common symptoms of male breast cancer include red skin around the chest. If you have breast tissue, it is possible to have it removed. There is a high risk of developing this type of cancer among men over the age of 60.
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The most common treatment for male breast cancer is surgery. The most common surgery is a modified radical mastectomy, in which the breast is removed, along with several lymph nodes under the arm and lining over the chest muscles. This is the only way to diagnose breast cancer in men. If you do, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you've had a lump in your breast, your doctor will perform a biopsy to remove the cancer cells.
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A lump in the breast area is a sign of breast cancer. A mass in the breast area can be painless and appear to be bigger than usual. It may also be thicker and more painful. Some men experience discomfort with their nipple. They may have a swollen nipple that looks like a tumor. Other symptoms of male breast cancer may be a puffed-up or a dimpling of the skin.